Del Mar


Well-Known Member
Four years ago, I was introduced to e-bikes when I rented one from a Pedego store on a visit to Solana Beach, California. I saw a couple others on the road, but it was mostly groups of road bike riders in spandex. Last week, we spent a week on vacation in Del Mar, the next town south of Solana Beach and I was blown away by the number of e-bikes there. A lot of them appeared to be rentals and many o them appeared to be the 20" wheel variety with throttle, but they easily outnumbered the conventional bikes. It's reasonably hilly and windy there, but not too extreme. Any adult in reasonable shape would be able to do several miles. E-bikes have certainly gotten more popular where we live on the east coast, but it's nowhere near the level that I saw in Del Mar. I've had one of my own for the last 3 years and am atually on my second (a Trek Crossrip+). Is it just the 6 dollar a gallon gas?
Perhaps places with nicer weather and large population of active and outdoor minded people are huge growth areas for e-bikes or bikes in general. We see more and more of them at he LBS's in Colorado. Lots of outdoorsy active people here.