The plug for the charging port on my XP doesn't go back on very easily. It's my only frustration with this bike. Does anyone else have this issue and if so did you find a way to fix the problem or have you just left it as is?
I ended up unscrewing the little rubber piece and that made it easier to insert. I would then pop it out when I needed to charge and set next to charger. Kinda a PITA but it was driving me crazy when it was attached to the bike...
I ended up unscrewing the little rubber piece and that made it easier to insert. I would then pop it out when I needed to charge and set next to charger. Kinda a PITA but it was driving me crazy when it was attached to the bike...
I ended up unscrewing the little rubber piece and that made it easier to insert. I would then pop it out when I needed to charge and set next to charger. Kinda a PITA but it was driving me crazy when it was attached to the bike...