Charging connector Shark DP9


The assembler/seller of my battery mistakenly installed a common round DC-jack (max 2 A) for charging, instead of the promised 3-pin jack rated for 6 A. Their two year warranty seems of little value since they stopped communicating entirely, so if I want a higher rated connector - which I do - I will have to exchange it myself. But I don't know the name of the connector...

The battery case is a (Hailong?) Shark DP9 (91 cells), and I don't need the exact connector that is on the seller's photo but rather any 5-6 A rated connector that will fit the battery case as is.
Any suggestions for connector type (and, ideally, source)?
It looks like an ST3 connector.

Grin sells them for $10:


Does it match the one on your charger?
And no, mine (that I don't have) is not an ST3. But as Grin has adopted them, and my charger only has a coax DC plug anyway, I would be happy to use ST3 rather than whatever it is that the seller should have used.