I have own my Como 4.0 for at least a month now. Love that bike so much bought the wife a como 3.0 ridding has been fun. So I went to charge her bike for the first time. I plugged in everything correctly the charger went to green then red like they do. After 4.5 hours I noticed where you turn your battery on the 4 green lights were flashing now. The monitor said it was charging. The charger was still red. I waited till 5 hrs still no green light on the charger. So I unplugged the charger turn on the battery and all 4 green lights We’re in a full charge. It looks like it took a charge but what is strange to me is the bike manual states the charger should go to green on a full charge. My Como 4.0 works like that. I don’t know what year the bike is maybe they changed the charging system and didn’t up date the manual. How do others Como 3.0 charge