C965 display setup and operation


New Member
Kado! here. Just getting my Bafang system with c965 display / controller set up and wondering if there is a handy-dandy guide to help me set up the controller and tell me how to operate it and the bike. If there is one, pass along the link, or if you can (figuratively) hold my hand, let me know. Thanks!
Kado! here. Just getting my Bafang system with c965 display / controller set up and wondering if there is a handy-dandy guide to help me set up the controller and tell me how to operate it and the bike. If there is one, pass along the link, or if you can (figuratively) hold my hand, let me know. Thanks!

3 button https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=9208...74ccb8cd05!11070&authkey=!APKz85S7ICdbE4M&v=3
