C7 display settings

Peter M

New Member
I have had a look and cannot find the answer here. Sorry if it has been asked before. When adjusting settings "Wheel Size". My bike an Aspen Plus. When i select 26 inch, in the box bottom left on screen it has various options from 175 to 400. What are they for? and what is the difference?
Cheers Peter
They are for the width of your tyre in rather curious 1/100ths of an inch so 175 = 1.75 inch (road tyre), 400 = 4 inch (fat tyre) and so on.
Thanks The Equaliser. Seems obvious now but being in Australia I am fully metric and missed the connection. I wonder what the tyre width setting will effect performance?
Basically the wider the tyre the larger the overall circumference of the wheel, so the setting is there to make sure that the speed is displayed correctly. Theoretically you can put in the smallest wheel size and tyre width to get a slight boost in overall top speed for the bike but you would need to use a GPS device or bike computer to measure it, because your display would show the wrong speed, due to incorrect wheel size selection.