Bosch Performance CX - Please Help With Troubleshooting


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have a KTM e-bike that is almost 10 years old by now and it has worked flawlessly until last autumn.

One day I was going to bike home from work and the engine made a really unhappy sound as soon as it started doing any heavy lifting. I was afraid the engine was busted (even though it had worked perfectly that morning) and started running on eco setting to avoid the issue, while contacting the closest repair shop regarding a possible motor exchange. Their reply was that they could do it but did the sound really make a difference or was the bike still working? If I was going to exchange it, I may as well keep driving until the engine is fully broken and then replace it at that point in time.

So I kept using the bike for a couple of weeks more, until the snow arrived and ended the biking season. During that time I noticed that apart from the noise, I would have some issues where the motor would not activate at all. Like, I would turn it on and start biking and the engine did nothing. Turning the bike off and then on again would sometimes work and once the engine was working it would keep going for quite some time, but sometimes the same thing would happen again during the same ride and it would have to be restarted more than once.

Also, I noticed that if I turned the bike off and kept riding it would often turn itself back on, and you could kind of feel that the engine was trying to do something even when the display was turned off. There was never any error message on the display, and the problem was biggest on mondays, especially the morning commute, even though the bike had been standing in a dry, warm apartment during the weekend.

After getting back to biking yesterday (the snow finally being gone), I have been unable to get it to work properly. The bike turns on normally, everything looks fine, but the engine does not engage properly, except for a little noise at the very start. Turning it off mostly makes it turn itself back on again after something like 20 seconds, but it still doesnt start working. Instead, the display has started indicating error 500 (which I read was internal error, try restarting the bike) and error 530 (battery error) after (re)start. At 2 times during the entire rides back and forth to work the engine started working for something like 20-30 seconds then presented me with either of those errors.

The battery error is a bit confusing, since I have never had any issues with the battery and it always holds its charge well. And even during the problematic early winter, once the bike was working everything was fine. No power drops or anything like that.

I have ridden more than 10 000km with the bike before the issues occurred.

Sorry about the lengthy post, but my question is: based on the description above do you guys think that a simple engine replacement would solve this problem? Or is it related to the battery? Or could it be the electronics that have given up? Does anyone have a similar experience with their Bosch and could share their experience of what was wrong? Would you guys consider trying to get a bike like this repaired or is it simply too old to bother?

I love the bike, and I am open to the idea of replacing the motor. However, if it turns out I need to replace the engine. And the battery. And the electronics. And pay for the person doing the job. In the end it will be almost the same price as buying a brand new bike. I would love to get some input from people here regarding the possible extent of the problem. The repair shop I mentioned is really busy, so getting a workshop appointment for even basic troubleshooting is more than a month away.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Best regards,
Agreed, take it to a dealer so they can clear the codes. Vaguely possible, that will let you keep going for now. More likely, they can at least confirm the battery is good.

FWIW, my first motor died with the Error 500 code and IIRC I also got 503 codes mixed in after the 500 code. First dealer cleared the codes and confirmed they came back within seconds of triggering pedal assist.

Went to the brand dealer and had warranty replacement on the motor. The battery was fine, the 503 codes were just collateral from the motor going kaput. I have over 12000 miles on the 'new' motor since then.
Thanks for the feedback, guys!

To be honest, the repair shop I mentioned is part of the only e-bike dealership available within a reasonable distance. They are also unwilling to help diagnose the bike without me booking a time and paying for a service, simply to find out what is wrong with it. On top of that they expect me to book and pay for a second service to actually do the repairs once they have ordered and received the spare parts needed. Plus they are fully booked for at least a month.

I tried bringing the bike there once before, after chatting with one of their service technicians online about possibly replacing the motor, but once I got there the store owner told me something along the line of that I should book a service time instead of trying to steal his workers time with free troubleshooting (even though the stated plan was for them to fix the problem, just needed to figure out what that problem actually was so they could order a new motor if required beforehand).

As you can imagine, due to his attitude, and their general lack of availability, I am not very eager to go back there.

Interestingly enough I biked to work again today (second trip this year), and even though it did stop working twice, restarting the bike solved the problem and I had engine support almost 100% of the way. The engine does give off some interesting noise from time to time though, which was never the case before the problems started.
Also, I'm (sadly) pretty sure the issues will come back soon enough. I'm just glad if it works for the daily commute for a bit longer.
Are they not interchangeable? :p Sorry, non-native English speaker here... In my mind they are pretty much the same, but I will try to stick to motor from now on :D
The engine is related to combustion while the motor is electric :) Out of curiosity, what country are you from?
sounds like a possible PCB issue, or a short in one of the cable ports. And sorry to say, at a dealer it dose take a lot of time to correctly diagnose the failure so since this bike is way out of warranty it would cost money for the dealer to diagnose and it would be transferred to the end consumer.

You could also check if there are any shops who perform a rework on the BDU's in your region. I do know there are specialized workshops who overhaul DU's in Europe, in Spain or the Netherlands I do know a few
I know. So contacting the Finnish guys to ask what they can do and ship them the BDU would a logical step.

and yes also been in Sweden so I do know a few things about Sweden. Friends of us live there off-grid.
I know. So contacting the Finnish guys to ask what they can do and ship them the BDU would a logical step.

and yes also been in Sweden so I do know a few things about Sweden. Friends of us live there off-grid.
Anyway, I can understand that the next Bosch E-Bike specialist could be far away from Nik!

@nik_lin are you from Linköping perchance? Please use Google maps and enter
Bosch E-Bike your_city_name
It could be more Bosch E-bike dealers around than you think!
sounds like a possible PCB issue, or a short in one of the cable ports. And sorry to say, at a dealer it dose take a lot of time to correctly diagnose the failure so since this bike is way out of warranty it would cost money for the dealer to diagnose and it would be transferred to the end consumer.

You could also check if there are any shops who perform a rework on the BDU's in your region. I do know there are specialized workshops who overhaul DU's in Europe, in Spain or the Netherlands I do know a few
Yeah, I agree that it sounds a bit like something could be wrong with the electronics (as well as the engine?).

I checked around for bike motor repairs in Sweden, but was unable to find any. I'm honestly not sure why, even checking with the local repair shop I mentioned previously their reaction was pretty much "no one services the drive units, they are simply replaced". Which felt a bit odd, considering I had seen a number of youtube videos of motor repairs.
Hei hei,

just tried to find a shop in Sweden, I can find one in Norway (would be a drama to get goods in and out right?) and also in Finland,

They are work on these BDU's so might be worth to contact them?

even in swedish ;D
Thanks man :D Appreciate the effort!

You are right though, Norway would probably be a hassle (being a non-EU country). And the reason they have a Swedish information page is for all the "Swedish Finns" who are born in Finland but who actually speak Swedish (with an interesting accent) instead.

It's often quite interesting to read their Swedish, because I cant help feeling like the language has evolved more in Sweden, while the way they express themselves, choices of words, etc, feels a bit like Sweden 50+ years ago.

I would probably have to send the BDU to them, which seems a bit daunting. Is it easy to remove it from the bike? And to get it secured back in place again? I recall a number of screws attaching it to the frame, but I guess there are also electrical connections / cables involved? I usually chicken out when it comes to stuff like that, rather paying an expert to get it done properly.
Anyway, I can understand that the next Bosch E-Bike specialist could be far away from Nik!

@nik_lin are you from Linköping perchance? Please use Google maps and enter
Bosch E-Bike your_city_name
It could be more Bosch E-bike dealers around than you think!
Suburbs of Stockholm here, but I honestly dont own a car, which means anything within biking distance would be preferable. Sadly (for situations like this) its mostly residential areas around here.

There used to be quite a lot of bicycle retailers around, but I suspect most of the business has moved online nowadays. Loads of car dealerships are still here though 🙄

I will check Google maps again, maybe I have missed something. Or possibly I could reach out to one of the online-only e-bike stores and see if they have any recommendations? Perhaps they have some lesser known connections, knowledge about some smaller businesses that do BDU repairs for them?
General question though to all of you: do you think that it is worth spending a lot of money on these kinds of repairs / replacements on a bike that is 10 years old? Or should I expect the bike itself to require extensive services in the coming years as well?

I love the bike, just a little bit afraid of the possible scenario where everything electrical gets replaced but the bike itself starts falling apart and in the end there are no original parts left except for the frame :D Money down the drain.
Nik, I'd say find a new e-bike from a respectable company with a good representation in your area. (I'm not a fan of Bosch E-Bike, a Specialized user here). What local choice do you have?

I own no car either as of recent :)

I own two e-bikes: A full power Specialized Turbo Vado for heavy duty and a Turbo Vado SL for recreation. My big Vado gets very old and I will expect trouble such as a new battery and motor in the coming years. If that happens, I'm choosing another new Specialized full power e-bike. My Vado SL has a big mileage but is a way newer.