

Active Member
United Kingdom
I know it's to wheel out that hairy old chestnut again (incidentally, check your chestnuts this festive season before you give them a good roasting by the fire, mine were all full of mould!), but back to this hairy chestnut. Yes, I'm on about, well, let's be blunt...what's your favourite beverage. But it is such an important question. I'll come right out now and say mine is tea, and by a long chalk. BUT it has to made right, For me this is boiling water on the tea bag and then left for at least a minute, preferably two, then a dash of milk, and no sugar. However, the crucial thing about it all, and this is never mentioned, is the drinking temperature. I like it cool enough to get down in one, though I take my time.

I've tried coffees of all types, and sometimes they hit the mark. I've done cocoa, drinking chocolate, ovaltine, horlicks, and sometime for a change they are ok, but tea is just so tasty and refreshing.

The only booze beverage I can stand, after years of 'testing', is shandy (beer and lemonade).

In terms of soft drink beverage I think orange juice with water is always best.

So, for me it is tea, shandy, and orange.

As to plain water, I just can't seem to make my mind up about it.

What do other folks think regarding beverages? And if anyone has a good suggestion I will try it and say what I think, plain and straight, right down the line my honest, not pulling any punches, cast iron guarantee of honest truth, 100% prime beef.
I have a super sensitive esophagus no sour no sweet =because my body cant tolerate carbs. so I am stuck with Goldwater and unsweetened almond milk. pop once in awhile or an energy drink. water is still the best.
Sorry to hear that, fooferdoggie. On the up side, I suppose it will keep you a good weight and foods which are better for you. You might be able to juice some carrots, which is something I do weekly. They seem nice and mild.
Sorry to hear that, fooferdoggie. On the up side, I suppose it will keep you a good weight and foods which are better for you. You might be able to juice some carrots, which is something I do weekly. They seem nice and mild.
I am used to it and ya it's better for me. no carrot juice would hit me with all that sugar. I can eat carrots but the juice would be bad.
I like a glass of OJ with a bit of my homemade mj tincture mixed it. It's the drink with a nice few hours of afterglow.
I drink 2 glasses of room temp Mountain Dew a day. Sensitive teeth suck! One for my "kid coffee" in the morning and one after lunch at work. Other than that I drink almost a gallon of water a day. If I'm tired and need a pick-me-up Aldi has a energy drink called Gridlock, the green can. Goooood stuff! But only one a week, max.

No coffee. I like the smell of fresh ground coffee but don't care for the taste. Rarely drink beer. No liquor.

Tea. I like simple pre-made Arizona green tea. I LOVE the Marley Mellow Mood black tea but never see it anymore.

I'll fall off the wagon for a syrupy Cola Slurpee in the summer! But only a small. That stuff would give ya diabetes!

I also drink one glass of chocolate milk at night. I try to find 1%. Best brands: Simply Organic, Promised Land or True Moo. I try to avoid artificially flavored chocolate milk yet I drink Mountain Dew! Go figure.
ya the smell of coffee I great not the taste. somehow my daughter got addicted to it. we never drank it.
I was drinking unsweetened chocolate almond milk but my esophagus said nope too sour. or too strong maybe. everything is acidic even carbonated water is acidic. if I have a pop diet root beer is the least acidic of them all.
I know it's to wheel out that hairy old chestnut again (incidentally, check your chestnuts this festive season before you give them a good roasting by the fire, mine were all full of mould!), but back to this hairy chestnut. Yes, I'm on about, well, let's be blunt...what's your favourite beverage. But it is such an important question. I'll come right out now and say mine is tea, and by a long chalk. BUT it has to made right, For me this is boiling water on the tea bag and then left for at least a minute, preferably two, then a dash of milk, and no sugar. However, the crucial thing about it all, and this is never mentioned, is the drinking temperature. I like it cool enough to get down in one, though I take my time.

I've tried coffees of all types, and sometimes they hit the mark. I've done cocoa, drinking chocolate, ovaltine, horlicks, and sometime for a change they are ok, but tea is just so tasty and refreshing.

The only booze beverage I can stand, after years of 'testing', is shandy (beer and lemonade).

In terms of soft drink beverage I think orange juice with water is always best.

So, for me it is tea, shandy, and orange.

As to plain water, I just can't seem to make my mind up about it.

What do other folks think regarding beverages? And if anyone has a good suggestion I will try it and say what I think, plain and straight, right down the line my honest, not pulling any punches, cast iron guarantee of honest truth, 100% prime beef.
Name-brand western teas are basically floor-sweepings at the factory. Go to TenRen and buy something,it's gotta be way over $100/ lb. of top flower, to feel what real tea does.
I'm cautious of buying chestnuts, cuz of the black mold/mould. I'll buy a few and then more if they're all good
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Handlebars.......Yes, the black mould. We bought some at a farmer's market. I popped a few in the oven two weeks later as we were cooking some food and when I peeled one, it looked alright so I popped it in and began chewing it, the unfamiliar taste as years since we had them, but as I chewed it just didn't seem right, so I spit it out, it looked black. I cut through all the others and they were fully riddled with black mould. Frankly, I don't rate them anyway, so no more for me. But that looked like stuff which would be very bad for me.

fooferdoggie.....your condition seems an absolute nightmare. My heart goes out to you. I don't know how you manage. Some people have a particular allergy, but yours is almost everything, and then the constant worry of a flare up as you have to eat and drink all day long everyday. It must be a long time since you have eaten most things which other folks can eat. I have no problems eating anything, but I can tell you that you are not missing much. I struggle to think of anything to appetize me. I have to be proper hungry. Food is so horrible....eggs: uuuuk, vile jelly. Chicken: disgusting. It's just all awful. I often walk right around a supermarket and look in my empty trolley and think 'What the heck am I going to eat?'.

Sc00ter....... I've never come across Mountain Dew. What does it taste like? I shop at Aldi, so I'll look for Gridlock and post a report on it if they do it here. Water is a good thing to get into. I need to get into it. It is important to drink plenty, doctors say. I've got to my late 50s and my well being is something i need to work at or my older days could be marred with illness/unfittness. I used to do pretty much what I wanted, but now I have to think health as my youthfulness doesn't come for free anymore. I've cleaned my act up and am feeling the benefits, even just dusted off my walking boots. I will put water into my regime. Good one. Well, you could make cocoa and let it go cold, then you'd know it was pure. Banana milkshake is such a good taste. We need a break though like being told that a slice of banana left overnight in a bottle of water....... maybe a vanilla pod or something, something natural. I find water on its own, in the main, a bit too 'boring' to want to drink gulps of it again and again. Mountain Dew, haha. I'd love to try some to know just what you are on about. What can it be? The name sounds good, but what actually is it. It would be a good name for water.
fooferdoggie.....your condition seems an absolute nightmare. My heart goes out to you. I don't know how you manage. Some people have a particular allergy, but yours is almost everything, and then the constant worry of a flare up as you have to eat and drink all day long everyday. It must be a long time since you have eaten most things which other folks can eat. I have no problems eating anything, but I can tell you that you are not missing much. I struggle to think of anything to appetize me. I have to be proper hungry. Food is so horrible....eggs: uuuuk, vile jelly. Chicken: disgusting. It's just all awful. I often walk right around a supermarket and look in my empty trolley and think 'What the heck am I going to eat?'.
e? The name sounds good, but what actually is it. It would be a good name for water.
ya its a pain been going on for 30 years. I think the carb issue I was born with then that slowly got worse and caused all kinds of stomach problems and upper respiratory infections. all the antibiotics messed up my got. sp now meat eggs hard cheese unsweetened almond mild and supplements are all I can eat every day. veggies three times a week. I pushed the veggies for the last two months and it nailed me Thursday and I am just recovering.
one reason ride so much is I feel better if I do and I don't think about food so much. my energy levels suck but I can still ride up to 250 miles a week.
but the worst part is its expensive as hell for me to eat. meat three times a day and the few things I can eat a few times a week like almond muffins are expensive and hard to find. I spend a ton on food I don't really enjoy. awful for you, and there is the psychological angle, too, too not fall into depression. It's a difficult thing, I expect, but then something will come along in your life, maybe a cold, maybe some bad news, and it all becomes too much. I'm able to empathize with you a bit now because I've just been hit with a cold. My brain hurt if I coughed, my joints all hurt, and I just felt cold to the core. Now, that on top of all my other stuff, well it really just made me miserable. But I am blessed with a lovely girlfriend and she was very kind to me, massaging all my joints and limbs and just being understanding and pampering me. I suppose the fact is that we have to just take the crap on the chin and count our blessings and do the best we can. But it is not easy. You do well to face it so well.
Rome.......water with lemon juice. I think you are on the money with that. I'm going to have a go at making water flavourings that use nature's flavours and I'll report them here. Liquorice root, etc. This is what I need, to flavour water, I see it now. I'll try Red Bull too. Never tried it as I've always feared too much of a rush because of a slight heart condition, but I'll have a do and report. awful for you, and there is the psychological angle, too, too not fall into depression. It's a difficult thing, I expect, but then something will come along in your life, maybe a cold, maybe some bad news, and it all becomes too much. I'm able to empathize with you a bit now because I've just been hit with a cold. My brain hurt if I coughed, my joints all hurt, and I just felt cold to the core. Now, that on top of all my other stuff, well it really just made me miserable. But I am blessed with a lovely girlfriend and she was very kind to me, massaging all my joints and limbs and just being understanding and pampering me. I suppose the fact is that we have to just take the crap on the chin and count our blessings and do the best we can. But it is not easy. You do well to face it so well.
ya its been a crazy life. when my esophagus went nuclear (imagine the worst heartburn 24/7) for months and I found the doctors could not help as all the meds either did not work or made it worse I finally had to take things serious and really control what I eat. that made it not as bad as it used to be. when it was so bad all I could do was work as much as possible the come home and build lego to try to keep my mind off of it.
but now my esophagus is better then its as been in years. but my eating has been even more tightly regulated. having a e bike especially with a watts meter built it has let me see how food effects my body. so now I have far more control. if I ate a candy bar I would see at least 1/3 or more of my power vanish and I would become loopy. if I ate the carbs several days in a row I would see even more power loss and it could take days or weeks to get back to were I was at. so the bike is critical to tell how food effects me. I lucked out and found a good doctor that has given me ideas that have helped and actually listens to me. but pretty much everyone else I had talked to has no clue. I did find a woman on Facebook that has the exact same problems with carbs I do. it was passed down through the female side other family and mine the male side. luckily my side had mostly girls so i think it has died out.
A good Pinot Noir from the Russian River in the evening or if I'm thirsty from a ride, a nice cold Pacifico. I keep a bottle of water on the back of my Topeak but rarely use it...
fooferdoggie.....I wish there was something I could say. All I can think of is keep looking, maybe somewhere in the world may have some sort of solution from ancient times. Somewhere out there will be something...maybe one day an aborigine may say the good news is you can have anything you want, the bad news is that it must be mixed with kangaroo dung, haha. Keep looking. Wish you good luck with it.
I've just tried some coconut 'milk' from the supermarket. Awful zero out of ten. It's like some sort of damp proofing radiator sealant additive. Two sips the best I can do
I know it's to wheel out that hairy old chestnut again (incidentally, check your chestnuts this festive season before you give them a good roasting by the fire, mine were all full of mould!), but back to this hairy chestnut. Yes, I'm on about, well, let's be blunt...what's your favourite beverage. But it is such an important question. I'll come right out now and say mine is tea, and by a long chalk. BUT it has to made right, For me this is boiling water on the tea bag and then left for at least a minute, preferably two, then a dash of milk, and no sugar. However, the crucial thing about it all, and this is never mentioned, is the drinking temperature. I like it cool enough to get down in one, though I take my time.

I've tried coffees of all types, and sometimes they hit the mark. I've done cocoa, drinking chocolate, ovaltine, horlicks, and sometime for a change they are ok, but tea is just so tasty and refreshing.

The only booze beverage I can stand, after years of 'testing', is shandy (beer and lemonade).

In terms of soft drink beverage I think orange juice with water is always best.

So, for me it is tea, shandy, and orange.

As to plain water, I just can't seem to make my mind up about it.

What do other folks think regarding beverages? And if anyone has a good suggestion I will try it and say what I think, plain and straight, right down the line my honest, not pulling any punches, cast iron guarantee of honest truth, 100% prime beef.
Non booze related, I have been on a lemon or lime water kick lately when in my office. Just cold water, with freshly strained lemon or lime juice and my cheat beverage are the little 6 oz cans of Cherry Coke...
I've just tried some coconut 'milk' from the supermarket. Awful zero out of ten. It's like some sort of damp proofing radiator sealant additive. Two sips the best I can do
Have you tried it as an ingrediant in a rum drink?
Roamers...I haven't, but I'm trying to have non alcoholic. I'm sure the rum would help.

Rome...I was in aldi today but forgot the redpoll, but I'll get some. But I have been basically simply juicing fruit tonight and then using it as like a cordial, and it's wonderful. Banana, pear, anything. Simple as that. Been staring me in the face.
About as exiting as it gets for me if I don’t want a lot of complaints from my esophagus