Best Bike for E-Bike Rental Business

Ol' Jeffrey

New Member

I am interested in starting an Ebike rental business and was wondering what you guys recommend. I am going to be using it on unpaved road trails similar to what a mountain bike would be used to going on. Any advice or recommendations?

Thank you! Your feedback is really appreciated!!
I hope they are your trails, because traditional mtb guys would go rabid if they saw 5 or 6 e mtb in a row! I wouldn't buy anything with a throttle. I'd only let people ride trails if they had a full face helmets, and I would definitely form a LLC. Because the first time a rider goes too fast under full power and flies over the handlebars, you're in for a nasty lawsuit and their medical bills. I'm not sure you could have enough insurance!
Not enough info. Where in the world are you, what is your target age group, seasonal/year round, what type of experience do you hope to provide?

Insurance is available, Court just posted some info on a company in CA that provides e bike rental coverage in all states.