

New Member
I have two Pedego Interceptor E-Bikes with 48 volt batteries and one of the batteries has died and the other is perfect. Both are rode equally. The bike is out of warranty and I wanted to know if there is a DIY to fix the issue before shelling out hundreds of dollars for a new battery. The charger is fine. I use the same charger for both batteries. I recently installed the battery and hooked the charging cable to it and bike worked everything powered on. Unfortunately I can’t ride like that. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
You might get more responses if you post this in the Pedego sub forum.

Did your battery slowly deteriorate or did it appear to fail suddenly? Do you get any green LEDs showing on the battery gauge? Is there any visible damage to the case? How many charge cycles do you estimate it's had?

It is possible the internal BMS has failed. You can try contacting Pedego tech support and see what they recommend.

I have a total of 5 Pedego 48V Interceptor batteries. All have been working fine for over 2 years. Occasionally, one will appear "dead" and show nothing on the battery gauge even though it had been charged before storage. The battery can go into "sleep" mode when not used for a period of time. Putting it on the charger for an hour or so "wakes" it and it will perform normally.

If the battery deteriorated slowly over time, it is possible one or more cells needs to be replaced. If all else fails, there are companies that will do a rebuild for considerably less than the cost of buying a new one.