Battery Use Question


Well-Known Member
I have a 2020 Rad Rover and am thinking about getting a Rad Mini as a second bike. My question is would I be better off just using the older battery in both bikes until it's worn out while keeping the new battery in safe storage or alternate use of both. My thinking is that eventually the battery will deteriorate but not sure exactly how. I don't think it will be a matter one day it works and then it quits. My rides average about 20 miles so I think I'll still get use out of it for a time after it starts to wear out. If I just use the one battery until it goes completely bad I'll still have a brand new battery in reserve unless the new battery will be at all harmed by really long term storage.
I use several batteries between bikes and rides. I am doing a big ride in the morning so I will take a bigger battery than I would for a regular ride. Having more than one is convenient and it spreads the load. They need to be charged to about 90% every three months when in long term storage or they will go bad. @Timpo is correct.
If you ever purchase a car battery off a display, reach for one at the back. It could be six-months fresher. They have a date stamp.
I would alternate batteries. The batteries can be good for about 20k miles with the right care and storage. I'm not sure anyone has made it that far yet.