Battery or software problem

Chris Martone

New Member
I just joined group, My name is Chris and I have a 2015 Haibike Xduro Trekking commuter bike that I use to get to and from work. Two days ago i tried to ride to work but the left hand power switch would not do anything. I also noticed that it did not go through the normal start up thing where it cycles through the version and stuff when you first turn it on. The buttons on the display unit worked worked but not the operating unit switch. At that time even the headlight still worked. I took battery off and then put it back on and then the display would come back on and then turn itself off in 5-10 seconds.
Is it normal that with the battery not installed the speedometer dont work? Also is in normal that with battery not installed the left hand operating unit switch does not work?. Unfortunately I brought the bike new from a ebay seller witch I think is not a bike dealer. I am having problems trying to get a copy of a invoice that would have a vin number on it for warranty as I just brought the bike in febuary of this year.
Also the display unit is not showing any error codes which is making it hard to figure out what the problem is. Does anyone know if I just get a new battery will the bike start working again?
Funny how this worked out but just this morning I went out to the bike to see if it fixed itself and it did!
All I did was yesterday I unscrewed the display unit (I had the set screw in there to make in non-removable )
wiped the contacts clean and now it works again.
I still would like to get a extra battery, do you guys think it would be worth the extra $200 or so to get a new 500w battery over the standard 400w? I see where a new 500w battery would be around $950 and a standard 400w battery one can get for about $750.
I don't know what the full discharge time is on the display. But I have read that is a way to reboot the control, by letting the display fully discharge. I have a 2016 Haibike XDURO Trekking S RX. I upgraded to the 500whr when I bought the bike new. $300 extra for that deal, for 25% more range and very little weight increase. I ride a lot of paved rail trails in my area. One direction is slight descending grade change for 14 miles. It will tell me I have 79 miles left on the range when I get downtown. Of course climbing back home changes that, but have gotten pretty close to 60 miles on a couple days of pleasure riding with a full bar left on it and 2 miles range indicated. I'd spend the extra $200 bucks for the upgrade if I were you. By the way, I have a 2016 Haibike XDURO Full Seven S RX as well. It had the 400whr battery on it. So I never want for a battery with a good charge in it. LOL I'm a sucker for a good sale. I bought the Full Seven as a demo with 150 miles on it, and the Trekking was a model year end clearance. Less than $6,000 in both of them.