Article: Everyone hates e-bikes

I am very interested in using my bike in place of car at times, but I have NO experience riding in traffic. They've added bike lanes over the years here in Tampa, but the drivers are insane and entitled. I am analyzing all the roads where I might rise and scrutinizing Google bike maps ahead of my bike arriving tomorrow.

I like being mouthy and changing paradigms... ;)
I haven't been on even a standard bike in many years, so I will be super careful! Much good advice there, thank you! I will be laser focused.

I prefer the black or blue bike, but I got the white for extra safety, thinking it will be more visible. And I will definitely have a rear-view mirror before I go anywhere near cars.
At the core is that everyone hates bicycles, ebikes are just the latest variation of that and a new group of enthusiasts to discover that no one wants them to ride anywhere that might interfere with their car.