90% eMTB Acceptance - Bicycling Magazine survey


Well-Known Member
I was reading Bicycling magazine's recent review of Bulls' E-CORE Di2 FS 27.5+, and a survey appeared (screenshot below).

Like 9 of 10 others who responded up to that time :)D), I clicked YES, but I can't help but wonder how many were U.S. readers, and what the response to such a survey might be on an MTB-dedicated website...

Of course, these results might be skewed by the nature of the article (how many non-ebikers would read it?). Still, I believe that it's cause for optimism about eMTB access to MTB-legal trails in the long run. Ultimately, local land managers will decide, at least in most cases.

I live in Cupertino, CA and there are some hike/bike/equestrian trails very near to me at the Fremont Older Open Space Preserve. I e-mailed them regarding the use of e-bikes and that I was 63 years old and had bad knees. This was their response:

"While the use of e-bikes is allowed by people with mobility disabilities on District trails where bikes are permitted, the policy restrictions on general e-bike use are in place to ensure that their use does not pose a significant safety risk due to greater uphill speeds, impact the Preserve’s sensitive natural resources, or fundamentally alter Preserve user’s expectation of a non-motorized visitor experience."
I live in Cupertino, CA and there are some hike/bike/equestrian trails very near to me at the Fremont Older Open Space Preserve. I e-mailed them regarding the use of e-bikes and that I was 63 years old and had bad knees. This was their response:

"While the use of e-bikes is allowed by people with mobility disabilities on District trails where bikes are permitted, the policy restrictions on general e-bike use are in place to ensure that their use does not pose a significant safety risk due to greater uphill speeds, impact the Preserve’s sensitive natural resources, or fundamentally alter Preserve user’s expectation of a non-motorized visitor experience."
"Greater uphill speeds"?? You mean riders puffing away in lowest gears at 5mph, just faster than walking speed? Where the H do they get such ludicrous nonsense?

What about the out-of-control 20/30-Somethings blasting down trails and blind curves? But ebikes going uphill pose a safety risk????

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
"Greater uphill speeds"?? You mean riders puffing away in lowest gears at 5mph, just faster than walking speed? Where the H do they get such ludicrous nonsense?

What about the out-of-control 20/30-Somethings blasting down trails and blind curves? But ebikes going uphill pose a safety risk????

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

No question, I'm faster uphill on my emtb than I am on my mebike. I can ALMOST keep up with enthusiasts on mebikes. More importantly, I don't get in the way of those enthusiasts, and don't have to stop to let them pass. I'm convinced that I cause less track damage on my emtb because of this - each time I pull over / restart to let the enthusiasts past I get a twinge of guilt over going " off trail"
sheesh ... if it were me I would use any trail (up or down) that allows regular bikes ,as long as I am on a class 1 E- bike. Now if I had a 5000 watt superbike that would be different
Of course, these results might be skewed by the nature of the article (how many non-ebikers would read it?).

Looked up a recipe for chocolate cake.
Saw internet quiz, "Do you like chocolate cake?".
90% of the people liked chocolate cake!!!!