Headed to Rome, Italy next week, then a week in Amalfi Coast. Any eBike advice?


Well-Known Member
Loudoun County, VA.
I will be in Rome from Oct 31 to Nov 8. Then Amalfi Coast (Furore) Nov 8-16. I am looking to rent an ebike while in Rome just for fun and touring the city. Same in Furore on the Amalfi Coast. Any tips, advice, what to see, what to avoid? From experienced travellers. I rented an eMTB in Lake Como, Italy a few years back. It was a great way to see the towns along the lake, and up to the top of Mt. St. Primo.
~Much appreciated
Totally jealous!

When we were there in 2003 or so, my take on traffic in Rome was effectively laneless chaos, with everyone around you vying for that square meter of empty pavement you're about to enter. The darting hoardes on scooters are the worst.

Doubt that's changed much, so use a mirror and keep your head on a swivel when you can't avoid mixing with traffic.
Not sure if renting an ebike would be near the top of my list of things to do.
But I would recommend heading over to Capri for the day and then renting a small boat to circumnavigate the island...One of my more memorable excursions.
I did this in August but during your dates of travel it may be a bit chilly to have the same experience.
It seems chaotic, but the drivers are actually very attentive to pedestrians and two wheelers.
You shoukd be OK from scams on a bike, but be very wary of set pieces by smartly dressed muggers, they ask plausible easy to answer questions and shake your hand in gratitude..bang your watch, phone, wallet is gone.
I've made many a trip and traveled Italy extensively from north to south and usually in 5-6 week stretches and can honestly say I've never been robbed or seen or heard of anyone getting taken.

I guess some just look the part. 🙃
We were approched three times in Rome by well dressed scammers, but 90% of the time we were fine, they wait till you have left the crowded areas, two of the times was the same guy in a nice car asking for directions to the Vatican.
The first time I sent him packing, the second time I drop kicked his door panel twice and chased him down the street like a maniac.
Its the sheer, calculated dishonesty that winds me up, go get a proper job instead of stalking the streets preying on peoples kindness.

To context the interaction, he stops, asks for directions in a super friendly manner and then pulls out a map, so you lean in slightly to point out
the way and he makes a grab for your watch and then wallet.
I dont wear a watch and carry my wallet in a front pocket while touristing, so a quick scuffle and he drove off.

He ruined my wifes day and the cheeky ffr pulled up again with the same story, the next day, so I booted his door panel in.
Of course all the Italians thought I was a mad englishman, they just tend to cest la vie that sort of thing.

Thats part of why the Brits dont fit into Europe :)
If any of you guys are coming to PS this season and need bikes, I have 3 at the house. Of course this is for my EBR brethren. Send me a dm if u need wheels. Espin Sport, Level 2 and Ride 1 Up Gravel. I live close to the mountain and great bike paths!
We were approched three times in Rome by well dressed scammers, but 90% of the time we were fine, they wait till you have left the crowded areas, two of the times was the same guy in a nice car asking for directions to the Vatican.
The first time I sent him packing, the second time I drop kicked his door panel twice and chased him down the street like a maniac.
Its the sheer, calculated dishonesty that winds me up, go get a proper job instead of stalking the streets preying on peoples kindness.

To context the interaction, he stops, asks for directions in a super friendly manner and then pulls out a map, so you lean in slightly to point out
the way and he makes a grab for your watch and then wallet.
I dont wear a watch and carry my wallet in a front pocket while touristing, so a quick scuffle and he drove off.

He ruined my wifes day and the cheeky ffr pulled up again with the same story, the next day, so I booted his door panel in.
Of course all the Italians thought I was a mad englishman, they just tend to cest la vie that sort of thing.

Thats part of why the Brits dont fit into Europe :)
Oh of course... Because in the UK tourist are welcomed with gifts.


Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, is common. Cellphone theft is common in certain tourist areas of London. Vehicle theft and theft from parked vehicles also occurs, particularly in tourist areas and roadside rest areas. Theft is common in restaurants, pubs and bars. Never leave bags or purses hanging on the back of your chair.

Thieves work alone and in groups. They may use various techniques to distract you and steal your belongings.

They are especially active in crowded areas, such as:

tourist attractions and busy areas, including Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square and Leicester Square
airports and public transportation
patios and outdoor cafés
hotel lobbies
underground pedestrian walkways
roadside stops

And it seems getting slipp'd a micky is a local favorite for tourists

Be alert and aware of your surroundings and safeguard your belongings. Petty crime, including pickpocketing and mobile phone theft, occurs across the UK. It happens more often in summer. Thieves use scooters and bicycles to snatch belongings.

Violent crimes such as muggings, knife crime and sexual assaults occur across the UK.

Be alert to other criminal activities, including drink spiking and fraud.

To stay safe:

be alert in crowded and tourist areas, airports, restaurants, pubs and bars, and on public transport
when using ATMs and credit cards, keep your card in sight, conceal your PIN and check your bank statements
don't accept drinks from strangers or leave drinks unattended in public places, such as bars and nightclubs
be alert to suspicious behaviour.