New Rad City 5 Plus Controller Replacement-Is it an External Mount Now?


New Member
Hi all - anyone purchased <or given replacement> the new controller for the Rad City Plus 5? My 2-year-old one is being replaced with the new design/upgraded controller. It should be shipping out this week, but I got the following message from Rad support after my order "our controller is a new undated design and will install to the rear seat post with the mounting plate included". This sounds like an external one, or am I wrong? A link to the video was included but the video is for the old design, where the controller is seated inside the downtube. If anyone has installed the new one and can share their install experience (or post a picture) that would be great. I'll report back once I figure out what I am up against as the video looks pretty intimidating! Thank you
I have a 2023 Radcity 5 Step-Thru and I'm on my second controller. The first controller failed a few days after purchase with no error codes and zero PAS/Throttle power with less than 20 miles on the odo. The replacement controller in 2023 looked like the original. Fast forward a year later and zero PAS/Throttle with error 21 on LCD. The replacement controller sent was the external version that mounts on the seat-post down tube. It was waaaay easier to install compared to the internal version. Rad Power Bikes need to update the instruction vids for the new controller. The old video is helpful for getting the right tools for the job.

New external controller with the small black box "jammed" between the controller and fender. The small black box was mounted/zipped tided on the seat post down tube and I had to move for the controller. I was worried the small black box might get caught by the pedals if I left on either side of the controller.
Radcity external controller.jpg
Wow!!! Thank you very much for the picture. This is great-I've looking at the video and kinda pulling my hair out (not really, none there to pull).
Any tips/suggestions since the video doesn't cover this new controller? Also, any concerns with it being exposed to the elements-how has it been
performing for you so far?
The only tips are to connect the battery tray power cable first, screw down tube battery tray connector, don’t forget about the rubber plug for the hole in the bottom of the frame for the battery cable, then connect the other two cables from the controller, mount controller on down tube, test to make sure everything works, and then zip tie.

Not sure if all Radcity models have the little black box in the same position on the down tube? Stuffing the black box between the fender and the controller made the rear fender bow more at the top and almost touch the tire in the rear. I loosen the rear fender connections near the motor, push down on the top part of fender, and tighten the rear fender screws. Looks a lot better with more normal spacing between the rear of the tire and fender.

No issue with external controller with the elements or heat/cold in the same position on my two 2016 radrovers with +7000 miles between them. I don’t like having to replace my Radcity internal controller twice. The new external controller will make it a 15-20 minute job in the future.