Does the Portola folding e-bike have “ walk mode”.


New Member
Still kicking around specs/ info on e-bike we are considering purchasing. Looks like the Portola would work well for us. A question though. Unless I overlooked it on the specs, does this bike have “ walk mode”. Is this feature real important to have ? Thanks for your replies.
Unless I overlooked it on the specs, does this bike have “ walk mode”. Is this feature real important to have ? Thanks for your replies.
If you have the use cases, walk mode can be a valuable feature. I use mine several times a month and am always glad to have it when I do.


For example, when I take my bike to the beach, I use walk mode to get it across any unrideable loose sand or cobbles in my path. The cobbles are especially hard to push a bike through without help.

Also use it to walk my bike up (a) steep trail sections that I find too slippery or rutted to ride, (b) stairs, or (c) steep ramps and driveways.

With practice, you can do all those things with a progressive throttle, but walk mode is generally safer.
Still kicking around specs/ info on e-bike we are considering purchasing. Looks like the Portola would work well for us. A question though. Unless I overlooked it on the specs, does this bike have “ walk mode”. Is this feature real important to have ? Thanks for your replies.
It most likely does... Usually holding the + or ^ on most ebikes.