24H error


New Member
Any body with a 700 XR series have this issue. Started only after owning bike for a little over 2 months. One day while Riding I get a loud whining noise coming from hub and get a 24h error code on display, so i turn off power and noise went away, ended up riding bike back home just pedaling. When I got back home I turn power back on and everything was fine, thought it was a fluke. a week or so it does it again, leaving me too pedal back home again with no power. I called ride1up and they had me check plug connector and make sure it was aligned correctly, which it was. This worked for a week with no problems then it happens again a few more times, get out about 3-5 miles and noise comes back showing 24h error code and unable to use power. No fun having to ride a 65lb bike back home all the time. Now bike has been sitting for almost a month waiting for a stator that Ride1up claims will fix this problem, hope it's easy to replace. Pretty sad that I'm back to riding my older hybrid bike and wondering if this $1400 bike was a mistake :(