2016 Surface 604 Boar e350 issues...


New Member
Hi all, I have a Boar e350 with about 1600km's on it. Last year the stock Samsung battery started developing an issue where it would sometimes not fully charge but would think it was fully charged and stop charging. Unplugging the charger and plugging it back in fixed the issue sometimes (the charge indicator light would turn from green, meaning fully charged, to red again meaning it was charging again). I was told this is likely due to some dead cells in the battery.

The battery was still pretty decent overall though but I decided to get a 2nd one, just in case, and so I could take longer trips. The new battery is worse than the previous...it has the same specs as the original but only has the Surface 604 branding on one side so it's not the exact same battery. Yesterday the new battery crapped out after just 10km and the maintenance logo started flashing...power assist no longer worked. I switched to old battery and it worked mostly fine for another 20km till I got home.

When I first got the bike I got up to 60km range on the stock battery on full power assist, as I peddle pretty hard.

The bike has always been a bit finicky and would start to cut out randomly and lose power during longer rides, even though the battery seemed fine. I assumed this was from the motor overheating...usually giving the bike a break for a minute or so would let the pedal assist kick in again.

Anyone had similar issues? I'm just trying to decide if it's worth putting more money into this thing or if it's a lemon and it's time to move on. The new battery is just past its warranty expiration date.
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