UPDATE: [#11] X52.. The 1000watt rear hub motor “grindage” fiasco explained.. FINALLY!!

Sic Puppy

Active Member
[#11]X52.. The 1000watt rear hub motor “grindage” fiasco explained..FINALLY!!

My newest UPDATE is the EBR thread link at the very end of this post.

Hi all,
This is the update that I have been hoping to forward to you viewers for the past 10 months. Today is June 27, 2024. This whole “grindage” scenario was initiated on Aug 19, 2023 (10 months ago). During that time frame the X52 has been stashed in the corner as I have attempted to get some degree of satisfaction as to the cause of/resulting remedy for the grindage.
I will try to keep this posting as short as possible while still being as thorough as need be to convey my situation to you fine folks.
Plan“A”:Contact the rocket scientists at the ArielRider home office.
Easy enough. Right? Finally, after 19 back-and-forth emails, here is an abbreviated rundown of that email fiasco.
[[ArielRider: To start off, I will begin by answering the questions you asked about the model and make information on the parts you requested. Motor Brand: Hengtai 750W Fat Tire E-bike motor.. Where to purchase a replacement planetary gear set: We sell those as a replacement to our customers for $45+Tax+Shipping.. The cost of a total rear wheel assembly: $395+Tax+Shipping.. ]]

Hmm, and to think that I was positive that my motor was the 1000watt beast as advertised by AR for the X52 during its 2021 model year. AR also was selling a 750watt X48 version of that model during 2021.
By the way, the information stamped on the edge of my 1000watt Hengtai rear hub motor is:
HT-QB52V1000WN2103S4995-021.. The "52V" indicates voltage. The "1000W" indicates motor wattage.. Go figure.
So, I did manage to get that item (750w or 1000w) straightened out in short order.

[[ArielRider: To get an invoice over to you for the planetary gear set, I will need to confirm that the address, (my address is listed here) is where you would like the new gear set sent. In addition, if you would like to schedule a call for us to be able to hear the noise that is coming from the bike's motor, I would be happy to do so.
The next available time I have for a scheduled call is tomorrow 9/7at 12pm and 3 pm PST. If you would like to schedule a call during either of those times, please let me know.]]
Cool. So, I did let AR know..

[[ArielRider: Thank you for confirming that for me. Since we use a computer program to send out calls, I will need to initiate the call tomorrow. In order for me to do that, could I please confirm your phone number for tomorrow's call?]]
So, I emailed it(my phone number) to them. I should have seen the RedFlag warning signs right then and there. AR does not allow incoming calls. What an awesome way to screen your company from angry customers who were foolish enough (myself included) to send you$2000+ for an ebike.

[[ArielRider: I was able to confirm that we will include a small amount of lithium grease with the replacement planetary gears you need to repair your motor. I have sent all the necessary information over to our invoicing department and you should see an invoice in your email inbox later today or first thing tomorrow. ]]
That sounds good to me. So, I await their email.

[[ArielRider (three days later): I'm sorry that this process has taken longer than expected. I was informed that our process for servicing motors has changed for instances including the planetary gear system. Due to the nature of the repair and the damage that can occur to the motor when the planetary gear system fails, we have ended the replacement of the planetary gears as a separate component due to issues with other customers. I have been told by management that the only way for us to make the necessary repairs to the motor is to either have you send in the motor for repair, or purchase a new motor core to replace the one currently in the bike. If you would like to send the motor in for inspection, I will be happy to start that process for you and provide you with the instructions and address for where to send the motor. The inspection process will require an inspection fee of $80, which will be put toward the purchase of replacement components.
If you would like to purchase a new motor, the price for a new core is$299+Tax+Shipping. ]]

Well now, isn't that tidbit of information the BeezKneez?? Either their X52 customers are a bunch of completely incompetent dunces OR there is a major reliability problem with that totally awesome Hengtai 1000watt metal gear rear hub motor. I vote for the latter. Why? Because beginning with the 2022 version of the X52, the supplied rear hub motor was a BaFang RetroBlade 1000watt unit (as it still is in2024).. I was born on Tuesday.. But, not last Tuesday..

What to do, What to do?? The above-referenced interaction with ArielRider corporate hdqtrs had taken up about 10 days time. I was definitely seeing the writing on the wall. Now it was time to proceed on to Plan“B”.
However, I decided to disassemble the rear hub unit (YouTube, thank you fine folks very much). Sure enough, on the planetary gearset with clutch assembly, one of the 3 gears had a chip taken out ofa nylon tooth which constitutes the center section of eachmetal/nylon/metal gear “sandwich"(think Oreo cookie). Other than that item, all appeared normal.

At first, I considered just replacing the 3 gears. However, considering that the motor now had 16,383 miles of use, it would just be a matter of time before something else in the gear/clutch mechanism went caa-caa, too. Besides, at under $40 for a brand new planetary gearset with clutch assembly unit, how could I go wrong?? Read on.

By the way, the information stamped on the edge of my 1000watt Hengtai rear hub motor is:

So, I google the correct information for a 1,000w/2,000wPeak Output Hengtai Geared Hub Motor planetary gear set with clutch.

I find a million billion zillion examples of ebike rear hub motor planetary gearsets, both with clutch assembly and also as only single gears. However, they are all for a BaFang rear hub motor, not a one was for my Hengtai/Shengyi motor. Unfrigging believeable.

Eventually, I stumble across this sole item: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805433865209.html?What the heck, it seemed to fit the required criteria. So, I ordered one. When it arrives, I once again take apart the rear wheel/hub unit, remove the original metal gear set with clutch, and then install this new unit. A perfect fit. It slips right onto the axleshaft. Life is good after a 60 day down time (since mid-August 2023) for the X52 beast.
I install the cover. There is a 4mm gap between the motor outer shell halves. What the #$%&.. These green gears are 16mm thick. The original gears are only 12mm thick. Thus, the gap.. No way, Jose. Screwed yet again. Back to square 1.

Becoming tired of fiddly-farting around, I go direct to the main source. Here is the link for the home company of Hengtai (SHENGYIebike motor corp.) https://www.syimotor.com/

I establish an email interaction with their USA representative. What a frigging condescending a#$hole he proved to be. Yes, I could purchase the desired planetary gearset with clutch assembly. The cost would be $30 for the unit and another $80 for shipping. $80 frigging dollars!!! Plus, I would have to first send the $110 via wire to a bank in China. Upon bank approval, I could then expect the shipment of the item. What the hell!! No credit card/PayPal/etc type of payment. In this modern day and age??!! Anyway, from my interacts thus far with this skank, I definitely smelled a dubious outcome on my end. No way in hell was I going to complete this transaction.

So, from mid-August 2023 until mid-June 2024 (10 months), the peas of chit 2021 ArielRider X52 stayed in the corner. I had been screwed so many times by the purchase of this chit ebike from this chit ebike company that I probably should have started “turning tricks” as a just punishment. But nooo!!!!!!!

Instead, on Oct 20, 2023, sixty days since the original grindage, this item arrived at my front door:
Thats right.. When life throws you crappydoodle, just go out and buy another ebike. This M2S(brand—my 3rd ebike of theirs) cargo ebike was on sale for $1199 delivered AND it included a 48v/20ah (20 gallon gas tank) battery. YaHoo!! By the way, that particular 48v battery remained in its original shipping box for10 months, until mid-June 2024 (a few weeks ago). But, that is a story for another day.

So, to finish this post, I was still in a quandry about that thoroughly disgusting X52 ebike.

In early June 2024, I had an Einstein(Larry, that is) moment. I had managed to think outside of the box, so to speak. And it paid off in spades. Sure enough, as a result of that epiphany, I was able to emerge victorious over ArielRider(the company), and X52(their ebike model), and Hengtai/SHENGYI ebike motor corp (the builder of the 1000watt peas o chit rear hub motor).

On June 18, 2024, the beast had finally been given a 2nd chance. It was up and running again.
And though I still thoroughly hate it/them. I can now say: Whose YerDaddy!!??!!

I hope to soon have another post here on EBR regarding all the particulars relating to my triumph over these evil beings of the ebike world .When I do, I will post a link to it here at the end of this post. I'm positive that you all will find it to be VERY informative for every rear hub motor ebike owner/potential owner.
I'm still not sure exactly which forum it will be on, but it will be a continuation-on-a-theme to this gear set item.

Here is the addendum that I mentioned in the prior paragraph:
This post will complete the "trilogy of horror" threads regarding the X52 peas o'chit ebike.
As I often state in my many EBR thread postings: Learn From My Mistakes.. or not..
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Thank you for your Post. What a Horror Show, enough to turn many People off buying a eBike. However this also shows how important it is to thoroughly check Sites like the EBF and the Internet before purchasing.
I hate to admit I did not do this, just spent several thousand on a eBike on a whim and when I ended up with a similar problem like yours, the Company Customer service ("Fucare" sold via Amazon) which manufactured my Bike went into overdrive to rectify my issue immediately and at no cost whatsoever to me.
Thank you for your Post. What a Horror Show, enough to turn many People off buying a eBike. However this also shows how important it is to thoroughly check Sites like the EBF and the Internet before purchasing.
I hate to admit I did not do this, just spent several thousand on a eBike on a whim and when I ended up with a similar problem like yours, the Company Customer service ("Fucare" sold via Amazon) which manufactured my Bike went into overdrive to rectify my issue immediately and at no cost whatsoever to me.

Hi UrbanCowboy,
It really is like the Wild Wild West out there in ebike world these days. And it's only gonna get more congested with new start-up's arriving daily. So, all we buyers can do is just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I checked out your ebike on Amazon. From your EBR photo, I couldn't tell for sure whether it is the Scorpio model(one battery) or theGemini (two batteries). Either one of those rides look to be $$$ well spent. Plus the fact that Amazon apparently has an excellent reputation for customer assistance/refunds in their ebike category.

As for ebike companies and their interactions (or lack thereof) with their customers: the bad ones (like ArielRider) don't give a hoot. Should their current brand finally get its proper due-- a continuing lack of customers-- they will just dissolve that company and do a new start-up with another company name, new decals, different paint schemes, etc. So, as customers, we can't win for losing. We ebike users will just have to learn as we go forward in “ebike world”. Thus, my many prolonged thread postings here on EBR. If I can save one person a few $$$ and a lesson NOT having to be learned, as a result of my input, then I am otay wit dat.

As for my peas o' chit 2021 ArielRider X52 turd bucket: the grindage occurred at mile 16,383 in August of 2023. Ten months later, in June of 2024, I was finally able to get things figured out and it was up and running again. The REAL bitch about that extended time span is that, had I known immediately about the interchangeability of the BaFangG062 1000w planetary gear set with clutch also being usable on to the chitty Hengtai 1000w motor, I could have had the X52 back up and running within a span of August 2023 plus 7days. In other words, within a week of the grindage, I could have ordered the gears set, installed it, and been in “problem solved” mode..

So, the fact that, during that 10 month down time, I decide to go ahead and buy yet another ebike, the 2023 M2S(brand) CargoBike(model) is not lost on me. That's because it turns out I really enjoy the overall cargo ebike configuration: an SUV on two wheels AND electrified.
Its only drawback is that it does not have rear suspension, too. Cargo ebikes are heavy to begin with. Then, when you start adding extra crap, er accessories, they really get heavy. Not a burden at all on its Bafang 750w motor, but you sure do quickly become aware of all the extra rigid rear end weight/ bounce.

By the way, my CargoBike has the same tires installed as the X52: Shinko(brand) 241(model) 16”x3” motorcycle tires. These puppies are good for 10,000 miles of decent tread life. Use a motorcycle inner tube in size 16”x2.75-3.0” (only)-- at least on the rear tire/wheel, and you be stylin'. As for a reduced miles-per-battery charge: expect, at most a 10% reduction. So, if you are now getting 30 miles per charge, the Shinko tires will reduce it down to 27miles. A fair trade-off, fer sure.

One last item concerning the peas o' chit ArielRider x52:
The grindage situation occurred at mile #16,383.. After four rear hub tear downs/rebuilds, and then finally fixing the planetary gear set problem, I briefly considered selling the piece of crap ebike. I even had a chance meeting with a local youngster who was interested in buying another X52 (his original one had been stolen). The sale didn't happen.

So, I'm now rotating my daily 50 mile rides between the X52 and the new CargoBike. Using the X52, I need to carry three 20ah (20 gallon) batteries, but only 2 of same are needed when riding the CargoBike. Both combo's assure me of my 50 mile distance without having to deal with “range anxiety”. I can go to 60+ miles if I want to, but 50miles@ 4 hour ride time is usually enough for this 73 year old fartmeister.

The ArielRider X52, with its Hengtai 1000 watt motor, had initially been getting 35 miles per charge. However, since way back at mileage # 200, when I heard a “thunk” in the rear wheel/rear hub motor, the X52 battery distance was reduced to only 25miles total. It never seemed to be the battery distance equal of my two Bafang 750watt motored ebikes (a 2018 model and a 2019 model). Both of those motors were much smoother (like butter), and seemed to require far less effort, when compared to the X52 motor. Plus, they each gave me 50% more distance per battery used (35+miles vs 25).

Anyway, back then, I contacted ArielRider, the company, and received my 1st dose of their incompetent customer-interaction capabilities. See [#7X52]https://forums.electricbikereview.com/threads/7-x52-at-day-365-and-mileage-7-657.50475/ Their response was that the Shinko motorcycle tires were the cause of the situation. Okay fine. Not gonna win a bitchin' contest with them on that matter.

Fast-forward to now: I'm riding the X52 and, at mileage# 17,000 (670 miles AFTER the grindage fiasco was resolved) the damn X52 motor just suddenly “loosens up”. Smooth as friggin' butter- just like all 3 of my BaFang 750watt rear hub motors. I could literally feel/sense the improvement. It is the same feeling I got way back in the 1980's when I first switched from conventional “old school” motor oil in my cars to the new MOBIL 1 synthetic oil. Hot Damn!! I never looked back.
So, that being the case, I can now go on X52 fifty-mile ebike rides and only need to use TWO batteries, instead of the THREE which were previously required for peace of mind. Damnest thing, fer sure.
And lets face it, had I NOT owned all those other ebikes (yes, I am indeed a Sic Puppy) I would never have noticed/known the difference in motor performance.

So, be like UrbanCowboy, enjoy yer ride and hope that your ebike company, like his FUCARE ebike company, will deliver a quality interaction should a situation with your ebike ever arise. And, if not?? Go ahead and buy another ebike.

Also, UrbanCowboy: install those Shinko motorcycle tires on your Canadian ebike beast. I guarantee that you will NOT regret it. Those tires are absolutely quiet AND are awesome in the snow, too.
Later taters.
Well Sic Puppy while it took a long time, you got your Bike back running, learned a bunch and I thank you for sharing some of your wisdom. My Fucare is a Fucare Gemini unfortunately since Summer this year I had very little time to ride it, put only a few hundredth Km on it. Regardless I love it and so does our Dog for which I made a rigging so I can tether her securely on my right hand side so she runs beside me safe and secure when I am Home.

I am definitely not an Expert in eBikes but I am more then just mechanically inclined and like to fix things whenever time allows. Some People mentioned switching to Metal Gears from the usual Plastic ones in the Planetary setup. While that may sound like a good Idea, me thinks its not. Plastic Gears may break but this is much easier (cheaper) to repair then if all Gears are Metal.
