voltbike yukon

  1. Nikzral

    Yukon 750 p850c display upgrade not working

    Hi all, I've had my Voltbike Yukon 750 for around 5 months now, and just bought a color display upgrade, from the link below. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000587945320.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4eff4c4dItM9wV I bought the 'P850C', which to my knowledge, should work just fine with the...
  2. G

    Can you fit an 8 speed cassette to a Bafang G06 hub drive ?

    Hi All ! Does anyone have experience with fitting an 8 speed cassette to a Bafang G06 hub motor ? On the Voltbike Yukon the 7 speed freewheel cassette has a big jump in teeth count between 1st and 2 nd gears ( easiest gears ). In the past I have done this 7 to 8 speed switch with a mid drive...
  3. Blake Cheetah

    Biktrix Juggernaut 2017 or 2018, used; thoughts?

    Bonjour, A used Biktrix Juggernaut Classic (listed as a 2017 but visually seems to be the 2018 model) is currently available in my area for $2000 Cdn/$1500 Usd. Reputable seller.Only 306 miles on odometer,lightly used in a very hilly part of town.Battery is quoted as having two years to...