
  1. nik_lin

    Bosch Performance CX - Please Help With Troubleshooting

    Hi everyone, I have a KTM e-bike that is almost 10 years old by now and it has worked flawlessly until last autumn. One day I was going to bike home from work and the engine made a really unhappy sound as soon as it started doing any heavy lifting. I was afraid the engine was busted (even...
  2. L

    New controller will walk assist, but not throttle

    Hi! I've been lurking through threads here over the past few months to better understand my DIY Ebike project. As someone who prefers to fix and repurpose rather than dispose of electronics, I may have taken on more than I initially bargained for! I'm hoping to find some knowledgeable...
  3. Chris Nolte

    Rohloff E-14 Troubleshooting

    I put together a little video with some of the common challenges people have with the Rohloff E-14. I hope you find it to be helpful.
  4. Ken Cameron

    Looking for advice on troubleshooting BBS02

    After 18 months of solid and trouble-free operation my BBS02 stopped working yesterday. Nothing happens when I try to switch it on, nothing is visible on the screen, and there is no sound from the motor. The details of my setup are (Link Removed - No Longer Exists). I have two batteries, and...
  5. J

    Daymak Vienna Hub motor siezed?

    hello everyone, i am new here. i have a 2014 daymak vienna and it has about 5000 km on it (lol). so when winter came i was driving it a little before the original 3 year old batteries finally gave up. so i stored it in my room for a couple months. now fast forward a few months and now i picked...