steep grade hill

  1. DandyD

    Does it exist..??? A fat-tire bike (generally for sandy, or snowy roads) with the power of a serious e-MTB (apt for steep hills, off-roads) ..??

    Hi all, I might be searching for a bike that doesn't exist (yet)... I am looking for a fat-tire e-bike, because of the comfy ride due to the size and pressure of the tires, with the high capacity strength of an e-MTB..., one which can triumph the steep hills of Barcelona. The bike should have...
  2. J.R.

    The Dirty Dozen - A 37% Grade Hill Climb in Pittsburgh

    A big cycling event takes place every year in Pennsylvania following Thanksgiving and part of the event includes the steepest public street in the world, Canton Avenue. Canton Avenue is a 37% grade hill and is one of thirteen hills in the Dirty Dozen bicycle competition. The event did contain...