senior citizen

  1. S

    77 Year Old, Urban, Prosthetic Leg, thinking about an eTrike

    Basic Question: Can I even consider an eTrike? or do I resign myself to a handicapped scooter? I am a healthy 77-year old (other than the prosthetic leg). It is a C-Leg, a computerized leg that allows me to choose bicycle mode. I rode bikes up until I lost the leg in an accident ten years ago. I...
  2. W

    Trek xm700+ three month ownership

    I've had my xm700+ for about 3 months riding it at 6400' about 3 times a week. At my age, 70 plus, I find it's a great ride, removes wind - have ridden it in 20mph headwind, with 30mph gusts, can easily maintain 15 mph, but steep hills brings it down to 10mph in turbo mode. Twenty mph headwinds...