
  1. Chris Nolte

    Touring cross country with an ebike - Video

    I’m excited to share this little video we did with our friend Pita! She recently embarked on a cross country trip on her ebike. She’s riding a Riese & Müller Nevo GX Rohloff HS unsupported. We plan to do a part two video next month when she gets to Brooklyn.
  2. G

    Neo Cross Battery Adjustment

    Dear Emotion community, can anyone recommend how to adjust easy motion neo cross battery? It is loosened now on my ebike and I want to know if there is a way to tighten it so that the curved battery sits tight on frame. Many thanks.
  3. Tara D.

    ElectroBike Cross

    Has a lockout for the urban environment and a little bit knobbier tires that could take you off road as well. 350 watt internally geared and 36v lithium ion. Does not come with a bottle cage but it does have the bosses! Nice clean front and motor inhibitor. They do sell online also if you are...
  4. Tora Harris

    Throttle or no Throttle? The Solution: Adapt!

    The Juiced Bikes CrossCurrent is a Class 3 e-bike that takes advantage of the new CA law which allows electric assisted boost up to 28mph if the throttle is NOT used. I don't think people yet understand how ridiculously awesome that new law is for e-bikes in the USA...