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  1. E

    Is there an E-bike Insurer that is not Markel?

    If you're looking for e-bike insurance that's not from Markel, you might want to check out some other options. One good choice could be looking into companies that offer multi bike insurance. These policies can often cover electric bikes along with other types of bikes, and they might give you a...
  2. E

    Cannabis, how is it legalized?

    mfgrep brings up a thought-provoking comparison between alcohol and cannabis. It's true that the legality of substances can often spark debates. Cannabis has indeed shown itself to be less physically harmful compared to alcohol in many cases. The cultural and legal differences between the two...
  3. E

    Protective Bike Gloves

    Hey, thanks for sharing your experience with the MechaniX gloves and the fleece thinsolate gloves! Those gloves seem to be a good combo for blocking the cold and wind. As for me, I don't usually wear gloves when biking, but sometimes I end up with cuts on my fingers that need protection. I...