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  1. O

    Samebike xwlx09 750w variant question(s)

    Hi, Thanks, that makes sense tho.. can you give any direction where to buy those? They come in many flavors and sellers..
  2. O

    Samebike xwlx09 750w variant question(s)

    Hi, Seems it’s a difficult question as no one else replays. I’ve bought a s866 display, with protocol #2, which works but it gives a e10 error.. “communication error” with the controller after riding 10km. So I returned it duo lack of compatibly. I’ve contacted several AliExpress guys and they...
  3. O

    Samebike xwlx09 750w variant question(s)

    Hi guys! I’ve been reading on this forum for some weeks, as on other forums as well.. but decided to ask here the question! Please move this post to the right sub forum if required. In advanced, sorry for the long story but I want to explain it correctly! You can skip to “long story short”...