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  1. M

    Sensor prague/moscow

    I believe I need a new sensor. (PAS Sensor DAS-KIT P12L-10) When going uphill with constant pedalling, the power assist crescent on the controller will drop out, then pick up repeatedly, slowing the bike and making it harder and harder to pedal. Problem is none in stock anywhere. Is there a...
  2. M


    Many thanks for the help and advise. Much appreciated.
  3. M


    Many thanks for the help and advise. Much appreciated.
  4. M


    Do you know if there is anything I can do about it?
  5. M


    How old/how many miles does a prague battery last? Mine is 3 years/4,400 miles, but the battery is shutting down when 3 bars on the controller are showing.
  6. M

    Controller problem?

    The display doesn’t even flicker. Although the cutting out does seem to happen more after 20 minutes into a journey, which made me wonder if the battery was okay. The display still shows 4 or 5 bars! I’ve done 3000 miles on it; should I expect things to start breaking down now?
  7. M

    Controller problem?

    Thanks for the reply. I almost always use power 6. This happens on not very steep hills that the bike has always gone up easily, maybe slowing a bit, sometimes I drop a few gears to make it easier on my poor old legs! I’ve been doing this 8 mile route to work every morning and evening for 2...
  8. M

    Controller problem?

    Hello All, My prague motor is momentarily cutting out as I'm going up long slight inclines that it used to take with ease. Changing down gears doesnt help. It like when it hits the power speeds it cuts out just for a second but enough to slow it even more. Could there be an easy solution or is...