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  1. Air2air


    Thank you Alicia for a terrific topic. This is a roadie/commuter conversation and I salute you folks with the bravery for it. It would seriously be safer to just walk down the train tracks; at least you know what direction it's coming from and what to look for. Risk/reward doesn't add up...
  2. Air2air

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Prairie Dog that was one of the best MTB vids I've seen. What a sensational job.... thanks for that!
  3. Air2air


    You folks that commute on the street are a thousand times braver than me. I'll wager your cause of death will not be your fault - and certainly not your speed. You are in control of your town's bike speed limits. Our city council (parks and rec dept) works hand in hand with our MTB...
  4. Air2air

    iPhone map app

    Reading good things about the Gaia app but perhaps it's more trail-oriented, haven't used it yet.
  5. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Yes, it's obvious that "...Water is not infinitely available when and where every human (or plant or animal) might decide to use it." But man has handled local water shortages forever; as George Carlin said, "Go to where the water is". No matter what the Left wishes, earth's water supply is...
  6. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Water is an infinite resource Tom, for billions of years. Farmers feed the world without Leftist doom and gloom.
  7. Air2air

    The Green Room

    PedalUma, can you specifically tell us how and why bringing water into deserts is "dumb"? I thought water was a "human right" according to you guys. When the desert gets millions of gallons of rain all year it's okay to you, but a sprinkler is an apostate sin. Why? Because humans are doing...
  8. Air2air

    Kindernay VII IGH and HYSEQ Onesie shifter

    Great job ava1ar!
  9. Air2air

    The Green Room

    PedalUma Lake Mead, along with other California reservoirs, is dry because of California's incompetent water storage and usage policies. Other lakes and reservoirs in other states are perfectly full because they are not part of our water system. Every day, California government flushes 2...
  10. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Marty it's good to hear it from the horse's mouth, I trust your info 100%. Unlike clickbait that shows the world on fire with a picture of Greta.
  11. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Exactly Tom. Can the NYT prove that these phenomena are caused *only* by the 4.9% of CO2 that is man-made, and not the other 95.1% that is natural... or a combination thereof? No of course - it's ludicrous to even attempt. Yet they've made their conclusion, totally outside the boundaries of...
  12. Air2air

    Battery backpacks as a product

    Wondering if a standalone e-Bike battery backpack is a thing yet. If it is not, I'm mulling whether to produce one or at least a kit instead of the hack jobs we are having to do now. Repacked my Kriega R-15 backpack with styrene foam, cut and hot-glued to just the right shape for the 17.5 52V...
  13. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Mulezen's dramatic Washington Post photo above about Greek fires was just crying for furthur investigation at the actual sources (below). WaPo's photo is from the Greek island of Evia, and the arson suspect is shown arrested in the tweet below.
  14. Air2air

    The Green Room

    The rest of us look at the scientific data, here from National Interagency Fire Center :
  15. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Yes, we know that's your version of the scientific method. It's what got you in this situation in the first place.
  16. Air2air

    global warming

    So no then. You won't give further comments or details on your quote:
  17. Air2air

    global warming

    Coffee I applaud you for taking the scientific method of direct observations. And you're right; it's warmer than it was in 1850. Both sides have always agreed on that. We never pretended it is "fake"...that comes from the media. What we do object to is the non-scientific politics, financial...
  18. Air2air

    global warming

    Scrambler I was referring to your comment: You totally nailed the fundamental crux of the Global Warming argument. The underlying philosophical differences. Your view is popular among AGW supporters... Almost universal. A fatalism that predicts the demise of humanity because we are so...
  19. Air2air

    global warming

    Believe me, we know the Left would love that, and they've made great strides there. So much that they're injecting their kids with hormone replacements and making them use girls' bathrooms.
  20. Air2air

    The Green Room

    Mulezen, quoting a left-wing newspaper's opinion piece about a right-wing website does not change the climate data. The Washington Post's own data on tornado frequency: WaPo link to this chart Yet this is what they go with: Extreme Weather has made half of America Look Like Tornado Alley...