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  1. Nic

    Stromer ST1 codes

    Hagurganus, did you ever find a solution to the codes not saving? I am having the same problem. I have a 2015 and the codes work perfectly on it. Bought a 2018 and I'm having the same problems you are. It's just not as fun when you're capped at 32kmph. Input 1007 - change to 0 - to change power...
  2. Nic

    ST1 Elite Model Comparisons - Mountain Motor vs S-Pedelec Power 48

    We recently introduced Stromer #2 & #3 to our family. Our first Elite Sport with the mountain motor is still perfect at 11,000kms. Stromer #2: 2018 Elite Sport Mountain Motor M32*, Blue battery, ridden by 220 lb person Stromer #3: 2018 Elite Comfort S-Pedelec with Power 48 Motor, blue battery...
  3. Nic

    May 2015 ST1 now on 3000km and going strong. Love it! It is the vehicle you take instead of the car.

    Yes, it is definitely the way to go if you are towing children or a dog! I wish I had the Stromer when my kids were young - it would have really opened up the places we could go around town. It was a little tricky to get the trailer hitch to fit properly - the bike mechanic had to enlarge the...
  4. Nic

    May 2015 ST1 now on 3000km and going strong. Love it! It is the vehicle you take instead of the car.

    I completely agree. Everywhere I go I let people try my Stromer. They are shocked at how smooth it is and how effortless it is to ride. They always come back with a huge grin on their face. I do try to emphasize that it is the bike I reach for when I am too tired to use my road bike. And with...
  5. Nic

    May 2015 ST1 now on 3000km and going strong. Love it! It is the vehicle you take instead of the car.

    I purchased my ST1 in May 2015. I live on the top of a mountain in Vancouver, BC, approx. 700m above sea level. I use the Stromer to commute down to sea level and back at least 2 times a week and my husband uses it to commute to work on occasion. We opted for the ST1 because of the massive...