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  1. Troy MacNeill

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    Great info! I'll look into those. Yeah that's kinda what I thought ^^ Sounds like secondary batteries are the way to go!
  2. Troy MacNeill

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    So how do you charge on the road when you go camping? I've been looking at solar panels, but seems like way too much $$$ and weight. I'd love to start doing longer road trips! Also- how was the axel / bolt connection for your trailer? I've been looking at the Thule chariots.
  3. Troy MacNeill

    saddle post suspension

    There's lots of options out there- I got a 15$ (cad) one from MEC ( even if it's a piece of carp - they have a great return policy. I got a cheap saddle pad and it's go time. The best place for a stormer seat post....
  4. Troy MacNeill

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    I got the racktime adapter rails and drilled some holes- I love my topeak too! I couldn't let it go...
  5. Troy MacNeill

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    Only had my ST1 for a couple of weeks but am loving it. Not new to electric though- coming from an Evo cross- this thing feels like an elegant tank... and a Ferrari. I fell in love with the Topeka rail system... sadly had o say good bye to that, but managed to salvage the bag with the rack time...
  6. Troy MacNeill

    Stromer ST1 codes

    Hi Barry, yeah- I could tell that it was changing the contrast, but the issue I'm having is that it's a burn in - like all the pixels are slightly on. Looking through the 'extended owners manual' I found that it is in the list of replacement fixes- so if the battery doesn't do the trick, I'll...
  7. Troy MacNeill

    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    Hi All, finally found the contrast code! 0005 and it's on a 1-9 scale. Unfortunately for me, it almost did nothing to fix the 'burn in' effect that makes it hard to read. I'm going to swap the battery in the display head an see what happens- it's a watch battery- size 2032.
  8. Troy MacNeill

    Stromer ST1 codes

    Hi All, finally found the contrast code! 0005 and it's on a 1-9 scale. Unfortunately for me, it almost did nothing to fix the 'burn in' effect that makes it hard to read. I'm going to swap the battery in the display head an see what happens- it's a watch battery- size 2032.
  9. Troy MacNeill

    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    I'll give it a shot- what was the contrast code you found? thanks!
  10. Troy MacNeill

    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    Hi Opimax; No, I haven't, I just got it- I'll give it a try and report back. (I gotta get some of those watch batteries) Thanks!
  11. Troy MacNeill

    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    I'm having the same issue but I'm not in a cold climate- there must be a contrast setting in the system codes somewhere-no?
  12. Troy MacNeill

    Stromer ST1 codes

    Does anyone have a code for the display contrast? Just got mine and its pretty hard to read- it must be in there somewhere^^
  13. Troy MacNeill

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    I love the topeka rail system too- I took an extra seat clamp and used it to clamp the extenders (as there's no bosses in the usual place) My city kit is on the way but I'll probably just use the fender and not the rack. Anyone know if the rear light is removable? I'd like to attach it to the...