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  1. OleP

    Mono shock adjustment

    Your excellent description completely matches what I have also experienced. I also drive the Ultimate C380 and my dealer here in Denmark had no idea that the suspension could be adjusted, so I had to find the manual myself on the internet. And it is correct that a great many revolutions must be...
  2. OleP

    Mono shock adjustment

    Well, . maybe once or twice a year, depending on how much you drive. It is a good idea to wipe off the old grease first if you drive in an area with sand and dust. As I recall (two years since my bike was new), it was not greased at all from the factory.
  3. OleP

    Mono shock adjustment

    Also look at this comment below the video:
  4. OleP

    Mono shock adjustment

    Yes, I saw it and I am shocked, because what he adjusts is not stiffness (preload), but side-play in the front fork, so that video is IMHO completely wrong. You must of course follow the original manual that I linked to, and there it is clearly described what to adjust. If in doubt, do not...
  5. OleP

    Mono shock adjustment

    Can you use this manual? It's the type that's on my Ultimate C380, and I wonder if it's the same front suspension. You have to remove the wheel and front fender, so it is adjustment with the "trial and error"...
  6. OleP

    Just bought an Ultimate C8 HMB

    My Redshift started squeaking after a few months so I took it apart and regreased the springs and bearings and it has now been silent for over a year.
  7. OleP

    Frozen enviolo hub.

    I have driven in -5°C several times without problems with the Enviolo gear. My bike is always stored dry indoors, but if it is left outside in winter with snow, rain and frost, it is possible that ice will form in the shifter cables and they will thereby freeze. According to the Enviolo spec...
  8. OleP

    Battery Cover for Gazelle Ultimate T10+

    This shop in the Netherlands sells it and according to their website it is in stock. I don't know if they ship to the US, and don't know if postage will be too expensive, but you can write to them and ask.
  9. OleP

    Gazelle 380+ vs 380 range

    Exactly, but the difference in range is not very large, cf. Bosch Range Calculator. Just tested with its default values and with a cadence of 50 (very low!) it showed a range of 81 km (50.3 mi) and cadence 80 gave 85 km (52.8 mi). It is much more important that with a high cadence, you do not...
  10. OleP

    Gazelle 380+ vs 380 range

    Low cadence puts more strain on the knees than higher cadence, as at low cadence you have to exert more torque for the same power output. The motor is probably also better at spinning quickly than slowly with greater torque. You can compare it to a car engine which also does not pull well in too...
  11. OleP

    Gazelle 380+ vs 380 range

    It is correct that the power used to overcome wind drag is cubed when the speed is doubled, but the distance travelled at double the speed is also double, so the consumption per km/mi is still 'only' squared.
  12. OleP

    Gazelle 380+ vs 380 range

    At the same speed (e.g. 20 km/h), there is not much difference, and the difference is primarily due to the fact that the Performance Line SPEED engine provides more assistance than the Performance Line engine at the various assistance levels. The Speed bike can also be a little heavier than the...
  13. OleP

    Arroyo 7 hub shifter question

    You and your videos are correct. The internal gear can be downshifted / upshifted at stop. When bike is moving, you must stop pedalling for a brief moment when shifting.
  14. OleP

    Ultimate 380+ Belt Tension, is this too much slack?

    I think I remember a guy who somewhere recommended loosening the belt tension a bit to protect the bearings in the motor and hub. Of course, not so much that the belt could slip out of the teeth or otherwise be damaged. Is it completely misunderstood or?
  15. OleP

    A creak and a rattle

    Maybe this: When driving over bumps or small bumps without pedaling, small clicking noises come from the engine. This is something with freewheel / motor clutch and is completely normal for the Bosch Performance Line motor.
  16. OleP

    A creak and a rattle

    It may be the battery cover that rubs against the bike frame. It is a known phenomenon for the Ultimate C380 (perhaps also other Ultimate subtypes) and it has been discussed several times before in a Gazelle FaceBook group. I have also had that creaking sound myself, and removed it by putting...
  17. OleP

    Bosch battery failures

    Yes, and I also think that a worldwide company like Bosch, which makes a myriad of battery-powered hand tools and battery-powered garden tools, would not be able to live with a bad reputation when it comes to bicycle batteries.
  18. OleP

    Bosch battery failures

    Bosch batteries minus BMS is just a bunch of fairly good quality 18650 cells. I think the fairly high-end BMS with lots of proprietary firmware and CAN-bus communication with the system is a great part of why Bosch batteries are lasting so long. My 500 Wh powertube from 2021 is made in Malaysia.
  19. OleP

    Bosch battery failures

    My experience with a 500 Wh powertube over 16 months and 12,000 km is excellent. I am on 135 full charge cycles and 470 partial charges. I follow charge energy (Wh) and mileage closely via an Excel spreadsheet and can not detect measurable deterioration of either energy content or mileage. There...
  20. OleP

    New Features for Nyon2 scheduled april 2022

    It is up and running again, at least here in Denmark.