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  1. T

    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Well I definitely recommend callings did nothing for me. One call to sales and they looked at my extensive thread with support and they were like bout' we send u a brand new bike...just had to box mine up and once FedEx picked it up they sent me a new
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    When you option 1 and talk to sales. They are super nice and respond to all e-mails....I futzed around for 3 weeks with their tech team and got nothing accomplished....
  3. T

    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    I had no luck with tech support and finally pushed option 1 for sales...they answer right away and are very nice and willing to help....they are sending me a new bike...after 3 weeks of horrible service with tech support....should have called sales a long time and learn.
  4. T

    Buy, Sell, Trade Juiced Bikes & Parts

    Hello, I am looking for a replacement ECU for my Ripcurrent. Does anyone know where I can find one? This bike is brand new and has not worked since I got it. I have had nearly no contact from Juiced about this issue and am now trying to resolve it on my own. Thanks!!
  5. T

    Pedal Assist malfunctioning on new Ripcurrent

    I guess....they sent me an e-mail saying they would send a new torque sensor whenever it was available. Problem is, I don't think that is the problem....since it works fine until I reach a stride of 15 MPH and then it starts fading out....sounds more like an ECU issue to me...but we'll see. I am...
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    Juiced = zero support

    This sounds exactly like what has happened with my Ripcurrent. It rode like a beaut' for the first 10 miles and then the PAS will cut off when I hit a stride of 15MPH and not work again until it rests. All test show it to be in good working order. I have only had the bike for 2-weeks and have...
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Thanks for the reply. Man, I have checked every single wire...removed the ECU....everything looks great. I too was thinking a faulty ECU, but then the throttle wouldn't work...which it does...without error. The bike functions perfectly until I get to stride at about 15 mph and then it starts...
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    Pedal Assist malfunctioning on new Ripcurrent

    Great, so they are going to ignore me for 14 days and then refuse to replace the parts.... that's complete crap.
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    Pedal Assist malfunctioning on new Ripcurrent

    Hello, I have seen this question asked numerous times on this thread, but never any resolution. Basically I have just purchased a new Ripcurrent from Juiced and it has not worked since I got it. The throttle is fine and at the beginning of a ride the pedal assist works. However, after a few...
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Hi. Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the same problem on my brand new Ripcurrent. I have literally taken the bike apart and put it back together again and have not found anything obviously wrong. I am beyond frustrated as I have not had any resolution from the support team at Juiced...
  11. T

    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Did you ever get this resolved? I have had the same issue with my brand spankin' new Ripcurrent. I have done every bit of trouble shooting there is and have taken everything apart and put it back together again...there is no obvious issue. I am totally going crazy with frustration as I have had...