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  1. Hulaj

    2013\2014 Neo Cross Recycle or Junk

    I have a Neo Cross which I bought in 2013/14 and have been having all kinds of battery\communication issues (~13 on display) . I have been dealing with them because I only really do short commutes less than 3 miles with it. I am now at a point where Its time for a new e-bike. Any...
  2. Hulaj

    Battery Failure\Power Loss Neo Cross 2014

    Oddly enough, after trying multiple times to plug in my battery to get it to charge I gave up and went out to dinner. I came back a few hours later plugged in my battery and charged right up and everything is working fine! Perhaps something lose or maybe one of the contacts was dirty??
  3. Hulaj

    Battery Failure\Power Loss Neo Cross 2014

    Thanks Vincent, I'm going to be out of the country for a couple months so I'll have to investigate further when I get back, but I will definitely update this forum once I have a solution. Hopefully the solution does not involve buying a new $700 battery! Yikes!!
  4. Hulaj

    Battery Failure\Power Loss Neo Cross 2014

    Emotion Neo Cross 2014 with 12Amp battery. Have had this bike since April 2014. Absolutely love riding it when I am not out bike-touring on a non e-bike. The biggest problem I have had to date is the seat post clamp failing from consistent readjusting to allow people to test ride the bike...
  5. Hulaj

    Battery Maintenance - Away for 5 months

    Thanks Craig! I agree, they' ve been drooling over it ever since I let them test ride it!!
  6. Hulaj

    Battery Maintenance - Away for 5 months

    First off, I have owned my Neo Cross (12amp) for about 10 months and absolutely love riding it. Was using it to commute to work but am now taking a career break and traveling around South America for 5 months. According to the Emotion website, I should charge the battery every 4-6 weeks to...
  7. Hulaj

    Shipping E-bike Battery

    Any suggestions for the best economical way to ship a bike (Neo Cross) or more importantly, the battery overseas? .i.e from Hawaii to the Mainland US? Mahalo!!!!
  8. Hulaj

    Neo Cross control panel help

    lol, Thanks for the suggestions Eddie and nice pics! Unfortunately, my console didn't like the downpour in Honolulu yesterday, maybe I need to move somewhere with better weather!
  9. Hulaj

    Neo Cross control panel help

    I never received a manual with my bike shipment, but mine appears to operate similar to frazzxr. Anybody have any advice on the best way to waterproof the LCD?
  10. Hulaj

    2014 Easy Motion Neo Jumper 650B

    Jeremy, Sounds like he has exactly same symptoms as you and he is really having a difficult time mentally dealing with sitting around all day watching TV and reading all the horror stories associated with that class of antibiotics. He's same age as you and use to teach/snowboard in Colorado...
  11. Hulaj

    2014 Easy Motion Neo Jumper 650B

    Jeremy, I'm assuming the antibiotics that damaged your Achilles contained fluoroquinolones? I have a good friend who can barely walk as a result of that class of antibiotics. I recently purchased a Neo Cross for commuting to work and absolutely love it. I've been hesitant to mention to my...