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  1. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    i have got the references of allan + 7 ebike painting : PMS 74-63 Can anyone tell me in which shop i can get it ? I would like to get some quantity near me in case ...
  2. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    the issue seems to be cleared now. I got the nuke from the seller, he made an update of the firmware. i will test in the coming days and weeks and see. Thank for you help in this
  3. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    hi ! My Allan +7 shows error message today : BOSCH MOTOR, ERROR CODE 500 i took it back to the seller for diagnostic. he asked me to wait until he finished and he will tell me what is going on. Do you know what it may be ? Thanks
  4. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    In fact there are some tracker gps which can help to find out the bike in case it was « lost » by someone fault 🤣😅🥲
  5. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    I'm looking for a GPS tracking for my bike. is it possible to get something which doesn't need a sim subscription ?
  6. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    Yes all is correct now ! happy to get the bike working well!
  7. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    At the beginning I use not to respect that but they explain me and I use to ease up on pedalling when shifting! Thanks
  8. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    Hi, one week after I order the Allan + 7, the chain got an issue. I bring it to the seller and he adjusted it. today, while I was ringing, back from office to home, the chain cut completely. i will bring the bike to the seller, but I was wondering if there is any risk on that. Does this...
  9. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    I'm glad to announce that I have ordered and received today the Trek Allan+ 7 So nice and powerful. thanks for your advices, I really appreciate
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    Need advice for Ebike order

    Thank you so much. I will follow your advice
  11. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    thanks, but it doesn't compare these three and say which one is better !
  12. S

    Need advice for Ebike order

    Hi I'm new on this forum. i considering to order an electric bike. and I'm hesitating between these bikes : - Trek Verve+ 3 : - Vado 4.0 - 2020 : -...