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  1. CloudyDayLover

    Rode our first ebikes/May need to cancel R1U

    i don’t think she’d like the 700. Looking at the bike, there is no way she’d be able to put her feet down while sitting on the seat. Now, “real bicyclists” will tell you that you should hop off the seat and lean the bike over some when you stop, but for lots of beginners and/or folks with...
  2. CloudyDayLover

    Rode our first ebikes/May need to cancel R1U

    I'm in a similar position to you, currently waiting on my Ride1Up. I can tell you that I have thought many times about whether I would prefer a Rad. However, there are two things that always stop me from going that way. Many of the bike paths in my area only allow 500W class 1 ebikes. So for me...