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  1. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    Absolutely... Stromer has some work to do with the Software Side of things for sure. I am just happy my ST2s charges to 100% all the time. That was my biggest complaint on my old Stromer. Just seems like some missing final touches for sure and yet they are demoing new bikes etc. this week in...
  2. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    Bummer... very strange... I would love to be able to tweak it faster (I know it's against the law having it over 28 mph etc. etc.) but I would love to sacrifice some battery range to be able to hit say 35 mph :)
  3. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    I am able to switch back and forth levels and still get up to 30.2 mph on the top tube display. While doing 30.2 mph on the top tube display my apple watch and iPhone are showing about 29.6-29.8 mph. I definitely am getting a little extra juice out of the motor right now.
  4. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    What speed were you averaging before your update?
  5. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    Honestly I have been nervous to switch out of L3 cause I don't want it to go back to the way it was... I will try later today on way home from the office.
  6. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    My commute to work is only 11 miles so I usually just cruise in Level 3 the whole way... but honestly it was always stopping assist at 28.2 until recently that is. I rode again today and it stopped at 30.2 and again broke some new PR's on Strava. I am not complaining, just found it interesting.
  7. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    I figured the display must be off too but then I looked at Strava and I hit 10 new Personal Bests on my commute to work. It was just odd... I'd like to imagine I'm in better shape so it was just easier but unfortunately I know that's not the case.
  8. jstepy

    Stromer ST2S without rear fender

    Hi Graham, Living in Southern California where it rains 3 days a year I too am not a big fan of fenders. I just think the bike looks so much meaner etc. without. With my ST2 it was super easy to relocate the rear light to the seat post and used the mount that the Specialized Turbo used at one...
  9. jstepy

    Did my ST2s just get faster???

    Just did an update on my ST2s. Before like clockwork assist would turn off at 28.2 mph... after the update it's going to 30.2 mph before the motor cuts off? Could the tire size have been thrown off with the update and the speed increase just a placebo effect? It feels like I am going...
  10. jstepy

    New Update SUI FW

    Hey Marcel... my dealer pushed it to me this afternoon. I got and eager to try it out on my way home from work. Thanks for letting everyone know here about the update.
  11. jstepy

    LITELOK : Some early user-experiences with this bikelock

    elbikefun thanks for your review... litelok looks great. I have the Abus but find it sometimes a pain to deal with if the locking location isn't optimal etc. I like the idea of being able to put two to them together or in separate locations on the bike and like you said around myself for a...
  12. jstepy

    New Update SUI FW

    So is the 3.0.2 on your bike a beta that you just asked dealer or Stromer in San Diego to push your way? Marcel do you really notice a difference in ride quality... smoother like you posted?
  13. jstepy

    Stromer verses Iowa

    Been a few days since last post John... hope you are doing well and great pics so far.
  14. jstepy

    New Update SUI FW

    Hey Marcel - do you happen to know if there is any way to force the update? I am on quite a bit older version for my ST2s and I've noticed that there are never any download arrows even when I have 5 bars reception. I am still on version I was going to call my bike shop as well...
  15. jstepy

    Is the Stromer ST2S available in the US?

    I've had my ST2S for a month now and no problems... In fact my ST2 had quite a few issues but mostly the problem of not charging 100% and having to remove the battery from the bike to reset the computer etc. With my new ST2s I haven't had those issues at all.
  16. jstepy

    People are strange

    Wow Neil! Your commute if it is anything like your profile picture is absolutely stunning. Who wouldn't want to breathe fresh air and look at those mountains. I got into e-bikes about 3 years ago when I was taking spin classes in the gym after work and then getting in my car to drive home. I...
  17. jstepy

    People are strange

    I commute 15 miles each way to my office along PCH in Southern California. It takes me only 5-10 minutes more on average to get to work with my ST2s vs. the car. Sometimes like today when their is an accident I probably save 20-30 minutes. I get to skip the cardio at the gym while enjoying...
  18. jstepy

    ST2-"S" --- Di2 settings on computer

    @Master Blaster... thank you very much for your post and information. I too like Laptop Guy followed your instructions and changed my display time to 120... I also had the two firmware updates as well. I also flipped which buttons lowered/raised gears which was more intuitive at least to...
  19. jstepy

    Software bug reporting ST2

    I have all of a sudden been experiencing the N/A issue as well on my ST2. The last week and a half it's been a daily thing. As mentioned above I too make sure to always have a key close by to remove the battery and all is fixed. I have also been having issues where it will only charge to 75%...