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  1. vardothiel

    Did any emotion owners in US faced these spoke problems?

    My brand new 27.5 had several loose spokes and was out of true, and you could hear the spokes making noise as the bike gradually moved. I had it trued by my bike shop and all is well now. It does make me wonder about their quality control. You pay $3000 for a bike and it should be perfect right?
  2. vardothiel

    Torque sensor calibration

    I have noticed something about the torque sensor. If I boot up the display and it calibrates while I am applying torque to the pedals, then the sensor becomes more responsive to even slight pedal pressure when in turbo mode. Booting up while stationary and the sensitivity is back to normal...
  3. vardothiel

    Speedometer way off

    I think that is exactly the problem. The display indicates MPH, but I'm getting KPH. Weird. I went through the functions as demonstrated in Court's video. I was unable to pull up a menu that allowed changing between KPH and MPH. I do believe I will contact the bike shop I bought from and go...
  4. vardothiel

    Speedometer way off

    I have tried adjusting the tire size and seems to make no difference. At first I thought it must be registering KPH but the display says MPH. I'll keep fiddling with it.
  5. vardothiel

    Speedometer way off

    I am new to the forum. I appreciate all the good information here. I just got an Evo 27.5 and I am enjoying it immensely. Except the speedometer says I am going 35 or 36 mpg, when in actuality my average is around 21 mph. This was tested with the app on my iPhone called Sports Tracker so keep...