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  1. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Oh really? Well I guess we should all listen up, as in the land of the brave you really do have that one down don‘t you?
  2. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    That’s a shame RD :( i feel your pain and all other new riders. I have ridden mine in the rain and have no worries so I wouldn’t be too worried about that. I wouldn’t ride through a stream or ford for fear of engulfing the motor or pedal sensor thing but rain hasn’t been a problem. Hang in there...
  3. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Looks really cool mate :)
  4. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Beautiful! Want, want, want!
  5. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    I bought the biggest baddest Kryptonite available which I would think would be long enough to secure two bikes. Call me if you want to check it out Littleze :)
  6. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Oh Wow! That looks great :)
  7. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Great news Littleze :) So glad you two joined the tribe. Can’t wait for our ride outs mate and if you need any help I’m just a phone call away. August isn’t that far away and we’re lucky there are lots of pretty routes around here. There are a few guys expecting their bikes very soon so stay...
  8. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Ha! I’ll be interested in seeing that OldBoy :)
  9. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Now everyone can see who’s in front :)
  10. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Heads up for HD and everyone else of course :) Just bouncing back to a question you had about mileage HD. I’ve just got back from a ride from Royston to Cambridge then along the lovely cycle way there to Fen Ditton. Then back for a mooch around Cambridge and back to Royston. All in just about 35...
  11. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Hi HD, I have to tell you the folks at Newgen are definitely on it! when it comes to getting problems sorted. As most of you already have heard about my puncture/blow out problems. I don’t know for sure but I did tell Newgen (Maria) about this and I’m just guessing here but I think that may be...
  12. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Thanks for the tip OldBoy :)
  13. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Hi HD I don’t actually know how many miles I do a week. The control unit on my bike hit 999.9km last year and I haven’t bothered to reset it. I never look at it anyway, also I have found that it reads that the battery is at full charge all the time so I always check the charge level on the...
  14. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Hi folks, just a little catch up on my on going battle with punctures :) Maybe I am using the bike more than most or I’m just inherently unlucky, I don’t know but I thought I would share my experiences at least. You may recall I had a tire blow out and I cut the ruined tire into pieces and lined...
  15. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Thanks for that HD, glad to hear things are happening. I’m always thinking up things that would be helpful for the 345 and right now I think the addition of passenger foot pegs like those on the UDS Unimoke would be a great help.
  16. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Good for you HummoHd :) glad to hear you had a rest ride. Tell us what the 750 was like compared to the 250 please. I haven’t had that experience. I’m perfectly happy with 250 to be honest so I’m guessing the 750 is just faster. I do occasionally watch videos about the Super 73 and the Ruffian...
  17. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Oh that’s a shame RD, but as you say the delay is for good reason and only the best is good enough is a great testament to Newgen quality control. That extra month will fly by mate :)
  18. dustyaxe

    Need opinion and advice (Newgen Bike)

    Good luck to you RdtheRd, “patience is a virtue“ they say but it’s also a bit of a bitch I know. COVID may have affected things I don’t know but rest assured you are going to be delighted. While I’m on I might as well tell y’all about what I did after my front tire blew out last week. I have no...
  19. dustyaxe

    Dodgy email

    Thanks chaps, I’m just gonna swerve this golden opportunity :)
  20. dustyaxe

    Dodgy email

    Hello everyone, I just got a dodgy looking email from someone by the name of ”cosplayguru” saying ”sorry to bother you but we met on the EBR forums”. As far as I can remember I have never chatted with anyone going by that name. I have checked to see if there is any member going by that name and...