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  1. C

    Adding a light powered off the battery pack

    In the end I went to the shop I bought the bike from (G & O Family Cyclery) and spoke with them about a lighting system. They had already been in contact with Tora and ordered some of the wire harnesses you mentioned. They've been testing out lighting systems on some Juiced Riders they sold to...
  2. C

    Adding a light powered off the battery pack

    I've been riding my ODK V3 a few months now and am generally happy with it except for the omission of a lighting system beyond the rear LED. Now that it's getting dark quite early here up in Seattle, I'm in search of a solution. For a few years now I've had a dynamo-powered B&M front/back light...
  3. C

    Making of Juiced Riders

    Funny to see my video posted here, as EBR was a good source of info when I was thinking of which bike to buy. To clarify what Mark said, the only incline on which I had to pedal is actually a 26% grade and is the steepest paved block in the city, according to the Seattle DOT. It's the hill at...