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  1. Sojourn7ers

    Sojourn7ers RipCurrent S Log

    Yessir! Live in Greenwood, work in Indy. From order to delivery took 8 days. You’ll love your RCS!
  2. Sojourn7ers

    Sojourn7ers RipCurrent S Log

    *Log updated 4/14/2020
  3. Sojourn7ers

    Got Juiced? RipCurrent S Log

    As a new RCS owner myself who commutes almost daily and has put 150+ miles on my bike in 6 days, I thought I might weigh in. During my 2-3 months of researching eBikes, the RCS pretty quickly made it to the top of my list. At no point was I under the impression that the RCS would be any kind of...
  4. Sojourn7ers

    Sojourn7ers RipCurrent S Log

    *Log updated 3/16/2020
  5. Sojourn7ers

    Sojourn7ers RipCurrent S Log

    Sure thing! My commute is all paved roads and designated pedestrian trails. I inflated the tires to about 25 PSI since the roads on my commute are all in fairly good shape and I wanted as little rolling resistance as possible. I also locked the front fork to limit energy loss. I really like the...
  6. Sojourn7ers

    Sojourn7ers RipCurrent S Log

    I have been inspired by several others to start my own travel log as I put some time and miles in on my new RipCurrent S. This will be primarily serve as a reference for my own records, but if it helps anyone else, then all the better! March 12, 2020 Bike delivered as scheduled and in great...
  7. Sojourn7ers

    ParDo's CCX log

    Great to know you can do the whole commute on one charge! I am an hourly worker at the moment so I wanted the confidence of being able to drain the battery on the commute in to make sure I can clock in on time. I’ll use my afternoon commute home as more of my workout, so I’m less concerned with...
  8. Sojourn7ers

    ParDo's CCX log

    I was going back and forth between the RCS and the CCX. The deciding factor for me actually came down to the fact that I live on 10 acres of property and would like to be able to ride effectively off road and on. I considered getting the CCX and just putting more aggressive tires on it, but...
  9. Sojourn7ers

    ParDo's CCX log

    Thanks for posting this! Just ordered my RCS yesterday and it sounds like our commutes are going to be very similar. Helps to hear you are able to get your 34 mile RT commute in one charge. My commute will be 36 mile RT and went ahead and ordered the Satiator with the bike so I can "drain" the...
  10. Sojourn7ers

    Hello from California!

    Welcome from another new member!
  11. Sojourn7ers

    M2S All-Terrain R750 vs Juiced RipCurrent S

    Looking for some thoughts on a bit of a conundrum I keep coming back to. I am currently shopping for an eBike to become my main mode of commuting daily. Here's a breakdown of my route and needs: - 36 miles round trip - Mostly flat (central Indiana) - Mixed route conditions including country...
  12. Sojourn7ers

    Hello From Indiana

    Thanks Captain Slow! I appreciate the feedback. Part of the reason for keeping the budget where I am in that I want to make sure this is indeed a long term commuting solution for me. I want to spend enough to get a dependable, "quality" eBike (following the "you get what you pay for" mindset)...
  13. Sojourn7ers

    Hello From Indiana

    Thanks Marci jo! Yes, I have been looking at lots of lighting options and plan on investing heavily in safety gear to try and tilt the odds in my favor as much as possible. As far as a budget goes, I really would like to keep my initial investment in the bike at around $3,000 as I expect to...
  14. Sojourn7ers

    Hello From Indiana

    Yeah, I forgot to mention that yes, I will be able to charge at work. Also plan to pick up the Grin Satiator charger for battery optimization and faster charge times.
  15. Sojourn7ers

    Hello From Indiana

    Hello! My name is Tim and I am from the central Indiana area. Recently decided to start commuting via eBike. I haven't pulled the trigger on a model yet, but am doing my due diligence researching and trying to narrow down what is the best option for me. My commute is 18 miles one way (so 36...