Search results

  1. nmrider

    Best U Lock for Giant LaFree +1 Bike?

    ABUS is actually the brand of folding locks we purchased (ABUS Bordo Lite 6055, length 85 cm). It's only rated by ABUS as a security level 7/15, though; the ABUS Granit XPlus U Lock that you mentioned is rated 15/15. The ABUS U lock received very good reviews on Amazon, so maybe we'll go with...
  2. nmrider

    Need recommendations...

    I don't have any outdoor photos; it's a bit chilly in PA to ride -- for us, at least! Here they are in the store -- the white is mine, and black is my husband's. We can't wait for Spring!
  3. nmrider

    Best U Lock for Giant LaFree +1 Bike?

    My husband and I just purchased two Giant LaFree +1 bikes. We bought 33" folding locks, but decided we should get a U Lock. We'll probably keep the folding locks to use on the front of the bike. We plan to ride in many different types of places -- trails, towns and possibly cities. I know...
  4. nmrider

    Need recommendations...

    I went to a different bike shop and they recommended the small. (They didn't have a small in stock, and the shop that suggested the medium did have a small in stock, so I think their recommendations were unbiased.) I decided to go with the small, and I'm very happy with it. I already bought a...
  5. nmrider

    Need recommendations...

    Thank you for the input! The dealer does have a medium and a small in stock, but after trying both I still can't decide! We're definitely going with the E+1 - have decided that much at least.
  6. nmrider

    Need recommendations...

    Hello, I'm shopping for an e-bike and have decided on the Giant LaFree +1. I believe there might be a Black Friday sale, and plan to purchase it then. My question is related to the proper size. At the store, a medium was recommended, and it seemed comfortable when I rode it, especially given...