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  1. Projectm

    Cycling Gloves suggestion -Vegan

    Hey, you can look here, each pair of gloves is described with the materials they consist of and non of them contain leather. If you want something multi-season, all-year-wear, look at Firelion brand option, I personally prefer it
  2. Projectm

    Gas powered electric bike... would it be legal??

    That's a pretty good looking mount/lock setup you created, from what the video reveals. Hard to see the details without better static photos. As to rack strength, I think you are right to be a little concerned, because you have a very high, heavy load. It looks like that generator could put a...
  3. Projectm

    Charging ebike on the go with a portable power bank?

    You would be MUCH better off to get a small generator or portable power station.....which can be used for other things too. Check it out here
  4. Projectm

    Need recommendations...

    Another vote for Moustache. My mum has a Lundi 26 and for the type of bike it is I think it’s great. We also have a Kalkhoff in the family which is few years old now (which is a lot in the E part of the bike’s technology) and whilst their bikes are well put together the Moustache is just as good...
  5. Projectm

    Saddle Choices

    Good luck finding your ideal saddle. It is such an individual thing that no-one can reliably point you in the right direction. For me the best saddle type has turned out to be the all-leather Brooks type saddle. These days there are quite a few brands out there. Some people still swear by...
  6. Projectm

    Best option right now? [Haibike FullFatSix]

    Kinda depends what you want it for. If you just want a fun n+1 bike for occasional use then a £1k would be more than enough to spend on one. If you want to use it as your main bike I’d spend more, personally I’d look at something like the Canyon Dude – surprised me how light they are when I...
  7. Projectm

    Why do people hate cyclists?

    When I was in school there was a crosswalk right before my building, and I never saw a cyclist stop there ever even if someone was crossing. Srs saw at least 7 people get hit by cyclists that thinks a stop sign is optional.
  8. Projectm

    Bike mirror recommendation

    Google "Italian Bicycle Mirror". I've purchased a dozen of them over the years ... mostly off of ebay. They're excellent. They work perfectly on road drop bars, but I've managed to find effective ways to fit then on the base bars of my TT/Tri bikes. Of course, you need good electrical tape to...
  9. Projectm

    How many times have you heard "that's cheating!"? ?

    Ouh.. since I'm were an addicted online games player, I've heard it thousand times, belive me - many of them was in my address cuz I'm play well ;)