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  1. Mike Nowak

    Removing the speed limit of 20 miles/hr

    Hi Sai, I'm a new member here also. I have a 2017 Rad City that I commute 20 mile round trips to work on. I've not ridden a Rover yet but my City does a good job getting this 63 year old to work and back five days a week. Have you ridden a new Rad City yet? Just wondering if that bike may be a...
  2. Mike Nowak

    Let's see your best pic of your electric bicycle

    That's a nice looking That's a nice looking bike. I don't see a battery on it. Where does the battery fit?
  3. Mike Nowak

    Why do you ride an Ebike?

    Wow! 3000 miles. That's awesome. Living in Phoenix, It's the excessive summer heat from mid May to mid September. I can ride my Trek 7.2 the other 8 months and do. I'll use the e-bike in the summer months and windy afternoons. Looking forward to getting my next e-bike soon.
  4. Mike Nowak

    Let's see your best pic of your electric bicycle

    Here's a pic of my china X-bike I picked up here in Phoenix about 8 years ago. I paid$ 750.00 for it new. I rode this bike commuting to work and running errands for about three years. I liked it. Had a leaded battery pack that was good for about 16 miles a charge, good power, and would top out...
  5. Mike Nowak

    Wave E-bike 499$ (another Storm/Indiegogo)

    Thanks for this information. I bought in to the Wave last week with perk upgrades, 6 speed gears, thick tubes with slime, (will probably add liners shortly after receiving the bike" front wheel quick release, for disassemble locking and a basket. I live in Phoenix so it's pretty flat here...