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  1. Jaxx

    Smart Bike trainer

    Before you start the ride, press pause. Then press the "hamburger" button too right. Takes you to a page with a few options, to into settings. There are various options for now you view on screen, scroll down near the foot is a option "Reality" Here in percentages you can adjust the resistance.
  2. Jaxx

    Smart Bike trainer

    You have to remove rear wheel.
  3. Jaxx

    Smart Bike trainer

    Got a Saris H3 at the start of the year, 4 months later, due to me been in isolation because of a medical condition, I have 4000 miles on it. Fantastic piece of equipment, having used Wahoo before, I much prefer the Saris. Very realistic pedalling action. I too have settled on Rouvy after...
  4. Jaxx

    Known Issues & Problems with Orbea Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    For the cross bar switch, you press, then press again while still flashing to move up the assist.
  5. Jaxx

    Known Issues & Problems with Orbea Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Are you certain the correct lock ring has been used? The Gain has its own lock ring. There ring has about 20 magnets around the outer ring, sending a pulse to the controller and then battery, to provide power. Last person I know who changed cassettes had used the new lock ring without realising...
  6. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    When they introduced compulsory helmet wearing in Australia, a few years ago, cycling numbers went down.
  7. Jaxx

    Is the Gain still limited to 15 mph in the U.S.?

    No 20mph in the States.
  8. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    Damn right Sol, I often go to Amsterdam. We call it a Dutch Dash. North Sea Ferries leave Hull every evening for overnight crossing (during the winter months a berth is available for £10. Have met and befriended many Dutch folk, most ride bikes. Very few wear any protection.
  9. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    The guy from the Automobile Association (AA) wasn't too happy last night when interviewed on BBC.
  10. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    Very good points you make Art.
  11. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    Neither has gone away. Same smells and the clicking of Diesel London Cabs
  12. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    Art, you should have seen the London Tube this morning? Crowded. Having said that, have you ever seen a live news link from London streets at rush hour? The number of cyclists commuting is amazing. Mostly dropped handlebars, it's one long procession. I have one pal who rides into Liverpool St...
  13. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    I would have thought that kind of scheme, ups appeal to the likes of Google etc. Today utilising electric vehicles.
  14. Jaxx

    Power outage

    Surpass your previous fitness level and you won't need the assist. Good to hear you're back into "it" Truthfully I don't really notice the Gains extra weight on the hills nowadays, and never really did on the flat. Mine weighs after a few replacements 24.5lbs which is not a great deal more than...
  15. Jaxx

    Cycle friendly streets ?

    No, nothing Boris can claim credit for. This scheme has been in place now for around 15 years. I know of many people who have taken advantage of it, including company directors and owners. It was noticeable within the first few months of starting here in Hull. The city itself is very flat (some...
  16. Jaxx

    Power outage

    Pushing a bigger gear Sol, would help make it more difficult. I always though finish the last couple of miles spinning home, and getting the heart rate down.
  17. Jaxx

    Power outage

    Interesting. Do owners of 20mph assist Gains, average 18mph? You still have to put in some effort.
  18. Jaxx

    Power outage

    Yes there is? Especially when climbing (which won't much apply for you) sweet spot to get most out of the assist is around 75/80rpm. Now I believe the reason I get excellent distance, is because I'm a big gear pusher. My average cadence for a ride would be around 65rpm. A hilly ride would see an...
  19. Jaxx

    Power outage

    Rob, 6 feet tall and 156lbs. I have been riding and racing since the 60's and can ride without too much effort at 15mph. But I always have level 1 switched on. A local 30 mile ride would usually include 1000 feet of climbing.
  20. Jaxx

    Power outage

    You can, Keep the speed down to around 17mph. Here in the UK, I get 3 30-35 mile rides in on one tank. And that is like Sol suggested, charged to 80-85% also it certainly isn't flat around here.