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  1. B

    Changing RadMini gear ratios

    I wouldn't bother with the tool, just use the method in the video in this thread it works perfect an there is no reason to keep the old 18 dollar sprocket set you will never go back and of you do buy a new one.
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    Changing RadMini gear ratios

    I did not I used the above video on how to remove cassette and removed spacer as cayjak did. pretty easy job because of what cayjak posted in this thread.
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    Changing RadMini gear ratios

    The tool fit but the sprocket was so tight it deformed before it would loosen.
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    Changing RadMini gear ratios

    Made the swap today, I had to use the hillbilly method of removal it was way to tight for the split removal tool. I barley got it off with a very large pair of channel locks. Other than the tool not working out it went very smooth, I removed the space and it gets every gear with no problem. The...
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    Changing RadMini gear ratios

    I am going to give it a try, I ordered the 32-11 because I am putting it on a Rover.
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    Changing RadMini gear ratios

    Very nice write up thanks for spending the time. Probably answering my own question but will ask anyway, I can't seem to find the freewheel in a better brand the DNP gets terrible reviews I sure would like to have a Shamino which seems to be cheaper as well.
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    Rad Power Bike Availability

    Unbelievable they could get things shipped so quick, already recieved my rover.
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    Rad Power Bike Availability

    I got my Rover ordered this morning but I am sure they will be very busy shipping so it might be a bit before I get it.
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    Blair from Ca need some advice

    I have decided Rad Rover which I will order tomorrow , not one other company Answered the phone or returned my e mails so they took themselves right out of the game.
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    Blair from Ca need some advice

    I have not but will add to my list, I have started to look a bit harder at M2S, Surface and will add teo.
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    Blair from Ca need some advice

    Hi everyone I am in search of a fat tire electric assist bike I think I have it narrowed down to the Rad Rover or Volt Yukon 750 unless someone can change my mind. So far not impressed with Volt I can't even get a hold of them to answer a few question but Rad answers every time and seems to have...