Search results

  1. Diarmuid

    Watt Wagons Ultimate Commuter Pro

    Has anyone ever heard of this company or bike? This looks exactly like what I've been looking for.
  2. Diarmuid

    In Seattle? Might want to join the Cascade Bicycle Club Ebike World Record Ride Join us for the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ ride for most ebikes on a ride! Saturday, September 15, 2018 Magnuson Park, Lot E-5, Seattle WA Ebike World Record Ride: 2 p.m. Ebike Expo: 12 – 3 p.m. Be a part of history! Grab an ebike and join us...
  3. Diarmuid

    Manta5 hydrofoiling e-bike

    Source: Manta5
  4. Diarmuid

    Bosch's War on Self Repair If you're not familiar with the trend of manufacturers locking out consumers, look no further than John Deere vs Right to Repair people...
  5. Diarmuid

    Rad Power Bike Availability

    This pretty much echos what we're seeing with other brands, namely Juiced.
  6. Diarmuid

    Anyone ever deal with West Coast Electric Cycles?

    Has anyone ever dealt with West Coast Electric Cycles? They're in Bellevue, WA by Crossroads mall and I'm thinking of taking my bike there to convert it. Catalog:!AgXlDee3N8jkgultQqePGrz05A6iOw
  7. Diarmuid

    Anyone have any HNF Nicolai models?

    Doesn't seem to be much activity in this subforum. Anyone have any of these models? They all look to be about what I'm looking for. (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
  8. Diarmuid

    Looking for a low maintenance commuter

    Howdy, I could use some help trying to identify a bike that would fit my requirements, but before that, here are some facts that helped shaped my requirements. Primarily will be used for commuting to and from work. My commute is 19.5 miles the easy way or 15.4 miles the more difficult way...