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  1. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    1) It seems that quite a few bikes have not been delivered (and/or refunds have not been processed) 2) There is an outstanding lawsuit (effectively Agency 2.0 subsidized bike purchasers to the tune of $600K) 3) There are defective bikes in circulation with no way to enforce the implied and...
  2. FTC Complaint

    Battery issue.. top of battery melted and will not charge

    Product liability insurance (the lack thereof) Fire and Explosion risk of the Battery (and the lack of testing and certification thereof) Warranty Accountability and the ability to find recourse These are type of business shortcuts that can have DEVASTATING consequences to the consumer/user...
  3. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Misleading Terms and conditions of sale designed to put the consumer at a disadvantage (eg Perk nonsense)
  4. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Add in probable "California Sales Tax Avoidance or Evasion," to skirting ignoring or failing to know about domestic and international legal, tariff, and standards compliance.
  5. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The bike as a "generic bike" seems adequate and the marketing effort has attracted more people to "electric bikes" which is positive; the price differential can be attributed to costs which a "diligent business person" with something to lose {either money, reputation, or going concern} would...
  6. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Bad business He is not making court dates He is not paying the vendor who made him successful - $100 a bike He has yet to deliver all the bikes paid for He does not have product liability insurance - around 5% of gross sales or $50 a bike Many/Most people needed assembly support/help $50 - $100...
  7. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Sondors is up to it again, this time on kick-starter BTW, and as expected, he never shows up at court!
  8. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    There have been mileage lawsuits; unfortunately consumers have no standing in court. In consumerism, consumers are not citizens, and have no standing in a court of law.
  9. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    An ebike is not an "invention" they have been around since the 1890's! therefore specs and everything else is known about them. --That is why it was obvious that the advertising claims made were materially false. --Everything was known as to how to produce them to a timetable Sondors has not...
  10. FTC Complaint

    The Strange, Unlikely Saga of the '$500' Storm eBike

    The right word or phrase to use is "responsibility" or "selling something responsibly" respectively. Look at it from a parallax perspective; Hopp's point of view "having prototyped" a product at his expense and having nothing to show for it The "Fat Bike Frame Manufacturer In Florida" that...
  11. FTC Complaint

    The Strange, Unlikely Saga of the '$500' Storm eBike

    From Dan at Yahoo Technology The story has more holes; 1) Product Liability Insurance 2) Testing and Certification 3) Customer Support 4) Ability to recall 5) Warranty 6) Recourse 7) IGG's conduct 8) Press...
  12. FTC Complaint

    Sondors first impressions

    It is a scam... false representations, a lawsuit, non-payment of vendors subsidizing your bike , no product liability insurance, no customer support
  13. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    unthical at every level. A recent Forbes online-article that was written by someone who purchased the bike on Indiegogo called the bike a "STEAL" and he was not mistaken. 1) A civil theft from Agency 2.0 occurred when they were not paid $600,000. So if you have a bike they are subsidizing...
  14. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Storm looks much nicer cosmetically than the Blix; he also talks about the A2B being an affordable option. "Add another $600 to the Storm bike and then you have a respectable and safe bike... all these intangibles have a cost/price"..
  15. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    As far as the press is concerned, the Money raised via crowd-funding has become the metric used to measure the success of this endeavor. Beyond this forum there has been no follow through by the press either in regards to the efficacy of the product, the post sales support "effort", and also...
  16. FTC Complaint

    Battery doesn't work!?!? Any assistance would be appreciated

    Every question that the press asked of Sondors was ignored and stonewalled. No surprise that this conduct (by Sondors) continues with the people that purchased the bike and are now seeking responsibility or recourse. The vast majority are going to get a product without issues and concerns...
  17. FTC Complaint

    Battery doesn't work!?!? Any assistance would be appreciated

    Ask for the procedure to exercise your implied warranty of merchantability. If Storm remains inaccessible consider sending the request for the warranty procedure to Storm's known service address; at Lewis Kohn Walker. If they fail to respond try charging back your credit card. Storm...
  18. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    We don't know how many bikes have been delivered (the set) and how many bikes have concerns (subset). Issues do exist and there is no recourse for them other than to reach into your own pocket for a remedy. A) Assembly - The need to pay for assembly as suggested There was one instance where a...
  19. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    There are no barriers to importing products from China, other than personal relationship building which is a big part of doing business there. W/o the box (and some bling), this type of bike is already manufactured by numerous companies. There is no invention here other than slick...