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  1. T

    The Sondors Bike is Unravelling a Bit

    It's just sad. Court has allowed you to post the same BS whining hundreds maybe thousands of times. It's old. And yes I can say I think you should STFU. But you won't, because you're a troll and that's what trolls do. So have fun! :)
  2. T

    The Sondors Bike is Unravelling a Bit

    You raised some valid questions about specs and range, etc. Yes some things changed and the communication could have been better. But that is not my issue. The bottom line is, no one "owes" you an explanation for anything. You are just an Internet troll repeating the same BS over and over and...
  3. T

    The Sondors Bike is Unravelling a Bit

    EU why do you even care? You are not buying one of the bikes. You have made an ass out of yourself.
  4. T

    Say Hello To Storm

    Uh yeah. Not talking about him. It's the 6,000th post from EU.
  5. T

    Say Hello To Storm

    I see the same guy is still talking. And saying the same things over and over and over and over and over again. Ugh. See ya!
  6. T

    Say Hello To Storm

    It's all good. I will sit back with some popcorn and enjoy watching little kids hold their breath and turn purple. :)
  7. T

    Say Hello To Storm

    Wow all this speculation and mud throwing. I signed up for this forum because I am a bike enthusiast, endurance mountain biker, fat bike curious, 499 funder of the Sondors Ebike campaign and this is my first time in the ebike world. I know the interwebs is chock full of asshats and blowhards...