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  1. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Thanks Leon. The bus routes don't work for me, so I would need to use a different formula, but I like where your head's at. So if I understand you correctly, did you buy an e-bike to avoid the knee surgery?
  2. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Oh I see. I actually just meant the time spent commuting became a burden and not being able to swing by the grocery store on the way home without going out of my way, but I love being on a bike. It's so much better than being stuck in a car. There were some days when I was only commuting by...
  3. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Good point about kids being big enough for a helmet. I probably won't actually need to use the bike as a kid carrier unless my wife goes back to work, which she isn't planning on doing for awhile. My wife is more concerned about those rare times when I might need to get home quickly, or run to...
  4. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for!
  5. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Yea, it's in Alameda county. Maybe we just haven't been here long enough to see it. It does get really dry and hot in the summer, so it wouldn't surprise me.
  6. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    I appreciate all the suggestions of specific bikes, but I was mostly hoping to hear about people's experience of actually making the decision to switch away from a car. I've read a lot of articles by now about the various benefits, which I'm totally sold on, but I haven't come across anyones...
  7. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Roadside fires? I don't think there have been many of those here. I imagine this place would seem nicer if you are coming from the midwest. Before we moved here we lived in Colorado, Miami FL, and Raleigh NC. Miami wasn't great, but Raleigh was a bike commuters paradise.
  8. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Yea, it's not all bad. It might just be the neighborhood we live in that makes it seem redneck. There's a guy with a big lifted truck next door, and once a week he just sits in it with the engine running for over an hour. I have no idea what he's doing in there, but it's really weird. Also, I...
  9. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    @Bicyclista, definitely! If someone wants it, they'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands!
  10. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    @Bicyclista, Thanks for the recommendations. I hadn't looked at the cargo bikes seriously yet, but I never considered the possibility of putting people on the back. That's a game changer!
  11. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Solom01, those glide bikes look nice, thanks for the recommendation! I do love the simplicity of SS bikes, and I prefer to not have the suspension anyway. A 20 mi range and 20 mph would be great for my situation.
  12. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    The price and weight issues don't really bother me. Even a $4k bike is cheaper than what I would spend on a car. The real issue is whether I'll find myself needing a car in another year after we have a kid, which would make me regret buying an e-bike that I likely won't be able to sell. That's...
  13. whannah

    car replacement dilemma

    Hey! Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but I'd like some input on my situation from current e-bike commuters. I'm 33 and in pretty good shape, currently living in a suburban area (Livermore CA). My commute is 6.5 miles (1-way) and flat. I have lightweight steel frame road...